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Loxone KC868-A8 - Printable Version

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Loxone KC868-A8 - StuffMan - 01-10-2024

Any special firmware for Loxone integration with the KC868-A8 board?

RE: Loxone KC868-A8 - admin - 01-10-2024

here is config ESPHome component for Loxone:
here is video tour how to do :

RE: Loxone KC868-A8 - jviheavy - 02-02-2024


Integration with Loxone?

Please could you send the link or explain how do it?

Best regards

I'm watching the ESPHome integration with Loxone, thanks

RE: Loxone KC868-A8 - admin - 02-03-2024

just do as video , the Loxone component made for ESPHome use UDP command.

RE: Loxone KC868-A8 - jviheavy - 03-26-2024

Is better and easy if works with your software...with KC v2.2.2
The relay output I can control...but not the inputs and sensors
Do you have a template for it?
Best regards

With the UDP Monitor I find to detect the sensor and state...
But I can find the DS18B20 sensor in UDP
How I can read the sensor please?

RE: Loxone KC868-A8 - admin - 03-27-2024

maybe in furture, we will update KCS firmware to support Loxone by UDP.

RE: Loxone KC868-A8 - jviheavy - 03-27-2024

Now works with Loxone by UDP (inputs and outputs), But I can't read the sensor DS18B20
I can read in the KCS Firmware
How I can read the sensor by UDP? or Modbus? or TCP?

RE: Loxone KC868-A8 - admin - 03-27-2024

yes, Loxone component for ESPHome not added the sensor, maybe in furutre can add that.
now you can read sensor by HTTP command, Loxone support integrate by HTTP.

RE: Loxone KC868-A8 - jviheavy - 04-05-2024

How I can read by Http?
I'm checking the manual and don't find
Please could you give me the link http

RE: Loxone KC868-A8 - jviheavy - 04-05-2024

I find it

Activate HTTP Server - secret: abcd

And then link:

Now I will TRY integrate in Loxone