Lesson6- How to use Arduino to read analog water level sensor
KC868-A4 smart controller, many hardware resources for you to use, you can write any code by Arduino IDE to ESP32 wifi/Bluetooth module
KC868-A4 smart controller, many hardware resources for you to use, you can write any code by Arduino IDE to ESP32 wifi/Bluetooth module
KC868-A4 smart controller, many hardware resources for you to use, you can write any code by Arduino IDE to ESP32 wifi/Bluetooth module
Lesson4- How to use Arduino to read DS18B20 temperature sensor
Lesson3- How to use Arduino to control relay by wall switch button
Lesson2 – How to use Arduino to control relay ON/OFF
We bring you the remote experience IoT products service. Now you can remote control KC868 smart controller and monitor real time video screen by KinCony’s YouTube channel live streaming. This demo live use by KC868-A4 integrate with home assistant by ESPHome add-on. Home assistant running on Raspberry PI, use DDNS service for remote control. You…
KC868-A4 smart controller, many hardware resources for you to use, you can write any code by Arduino IDE to ESP32 wifi/Bluetooth module.
KC868-A4 smart controller , many hardware resource for you to use, you can write any code by Arduino IDE to ESP32 wifi/bluetooth module. We will supply demo code for different samples. Everyone can modify and change the code for your own smart home automation system project. ESP32 module use Espressif – “ESP32-WROOM-32” Related technical information…