KC868-A6 ESP32 home automation relay module released!
We have designed KC868-A6 smart controller , many hardware resource for you to use, added LoRa and nRF24L01 wireless module interface and SSD1306 OLED and RS485 and RTC clock chip DS1307.
We have designed KC868-A6 smart controller , many hardware resource for you to use, added LoRa and nRF24L01 wireless module interface and SSD1306 OLED and RS485 and RTC clock chip DS1307.
KC868-A6 smart controller , many hardware resource for you to use, have LoRa and nRF24L01 wireless module interface. you can write any code by Arduino IDE to ESP32 wifi/bluetooth/ethernet module. We will supply demo code for different samples. Everyone can modify and change the code for your own smart home automation system project. ESP32 module…
We have compiled a series of learning tutorials for esp32 based on KC868-Uair, which will be continuously published in China’s “RADIO” magazine.
In this series, we will analyze examples of the application of Kincony controllers in solving cases from practical applications. Practical cases are usually not complex, but they solve important things in the production process. In some cases, mistakes can cause large losses in production. Such systems need to be approached seriously. author: wrote by Nebojsa…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]1.Diagram of relay Controller Download PDF details Leds status different color means: Red: Controller is power on. Green: WiFi module is connect to your router successfully. White: network run in “TCP Client” mode or “MQTT” mode. Yellow: network run in “TCP Server” mode. Blue: network run in “UDP” mode. what’s UDP , TCP Server, TCP…