
“KCS” firmware for KC868-A series (ESP32) board released

“KCS” means “KinCony Super” , this is a new firmware developed by KinCony for KC868-A series products in 2023. we have released firmware for KC868-A4, KC868-A6, KC868-A8, KC868-A8S, KC868-A16, KC868-E16S, KC868-A32, KC868-A64, KC868-A128, KC868-AK, KC868-AI. We will continue to update firmware according to user feedback. Input configuration:


how to use “KCS” firmware for KinCony ESP32 board

Note: This document use for KinCony smart controller: KC868-A4 A6 A8 A8S A16 E16S A32 A64 A128 if you want to read by PDF file, download user guide PDF file. 1. Download “KCS” firmware to KinCony KC868-A series board. a. Download “ESP32 download tool” from https://www.kincony.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/flash_download_tool_3.9.2.zip and firmware BIN file from KinCony forum. b. Open “flash_download_tool_3.9.2.exe”,…


“KCS” new firmware for KC868-Ax under developing

“KCS” means “KinCony Super” , this is a new firmware developed by KinCony for KC868-A series products in 2023. It has powerful functions and supports multiple communication protocols. It can manage various functions of the device through web pages, such as: input configuration, output configuration, monitoring management page, Timing schedule task mode, network configuration, communication…

esp32 tuya adapter

KC868-ATC Tuya Convert ESP32

Ovdje sam naišao na tajanstveni proizvod pod nazivom “ESP32 Tuya IoT adapter”, možete cijeniti originalnost njegovog izgleda s gornje fotografije. S druge strane, ime sadrži ESP32, a kao što znate, ako uređaj sadrži ESP32, onda je to nesumnjivo sjajna stvar, pa sam odlučio istražiti njegov uređaj. Pa, Tuya me također zaintrigirao, bilo je zanimljivo pridružiti se…

esp32 tuya adapter

KC868-ATC Tuya adapter hardware design details

Here we came across a product called “ESP32 Tuya IoT adapter”, you can appreciate the originality of its appearance from the photo above. On the other hand, the name contains ESP32, and as you know, if the device contains ESP32, then this is undoubtedly a great thing, so I decided to explore its device. Well, Tuya…


KC868-AI: 48 digitalnih ulaza + ESP32, ETH, RS232, RS485 i IR i prijemnici od 433 MHz

Dok smo se bavili prijašnjim Kincony kontrolerima, pokušavajući ih primjeniti u pametnim projektima, Kincony također nije gubio vrijeme i objavio je još nekoliko kontrolera koji će na naše zadovoljstvo naći primjenu u mnogobrojnim projektima prikupljanja i obrade podataka. Ovaj put je to kontroler Kincony KC868-AI prvenstveno namjenjen za organiziranje prikupljanja podataka iz mnogobrojnih ulaza (48…


KC868-AI hardware design details

While we were dealing with the previous Kincony controllers, trying to apply them in smart projects, Kincony also no wasted time and released several more controllers that will find application in numerous data collection and processing projects to our satisfaction. This time it is the Kincony KC868-AI controller primarily intended to organize data collection from…

tuya ir universal remote

KC102 Tuya IR universal remote Released

KC102 Smart IR Controller is tuya ir universal remote product. it can use by Tuya application remote control device by internet. There are some IR code on cloud server. You just need to change electrical appliances brand. Then you can use quick guide to config IR signal. if your electrical appliances, IR code not in…

tuya ir universal remote

KC102 Tuya Smart IR Controller

KC102 Smart IR Controller is tuya ir universal remote product. it can use by Tuya application to remote control IR device by internet. There are some IR code on cloud server, you just need to change electrical appliances brand, then you can use quick guide to config IR signal. if your electrical appliances IR code…


KC868-A64 pogon na sve kotače 64×64

Čini se da su mnogi Kincony kontroleri prilično moćni uređaji – ploče nevjerojatne veličine, s velikim brojem digitalnih ulaza i kontrolnih izlaza, mnoga sučelja itd., ali to vam se samo učini na prvi pogled, dok ne trebate, na primjer obrađivati informacije sa 64 digitalna ulaza i kontrolirati 64 ventila ili releja. Danas ćemo upoznati takav…


KC868-A64 hardware design details

It seems that many Kincony controllers are quite a bit but powerful and incredible size, with a large number of digital inputs and outputs, many interfaces, etc., but this is only done to you at first glance, until you need, for example, to receive information from 64 digital inputs and control 64 valves or relays. …


KC868-A128: Prijava za Guinnessovu knjigu rekorda

Danas ćemo govoriti o rješenju dostojnom plasmana u Guinnessovu knjigu rekorda – to je kontroler Kincony KC868-A128, koji na ploči ima čak 128 digitalnih ulaza i 128 digitalnih izlaza – tranzistora (MOSFET). S takvim karakteristikama performansi KC868-A128 može postati temelj vrlo složenih projekata. Slaba strana takvih impresivnih mogućnosti je veličina kontrolera – ona prelazi sve…