
“KCS” new firmware for KC868-Ax under developing

“KCS” means “KinCony Super” , this is a new firmware developed by KinCony for KC868-A series products in 2023. It has powerful functions and supports multiple communication protocols. It can manage various functions of the device through web pages, such as: input configuration, output configuration, monitoring management page, Timing schedule task mode, network configuration, communication…

esp32 tuya adapter

KC868-ATC Tuya Convert ESP32

Ovdje sam naišao na tajanstveni proizvod pod nazivom “ESP32 Tuya IoT adapter”, možete cijeniti originalnost njegovog izgleda s gornje fotografije. S druge strane, ime sadrži ESP32, a kao što znate, ako uređaj sadrži ESP32, onda je to nesumnjivo sjajna stvar, pa sam odlučio istražiti njegov uređaj. Pa, Tuya me također zaintrigirao, bilo je zanimljivo pridružiti se…

esp32 tuya adapter

KC868-ATC Tuya adapter hardware design details

Here we came across a product called “ESP32 Tuya IoT adapter”, you can appreciate the originality of its appearance from the photo above. On the other hand, the name contains ESP32, and as you know, if the device contains ESP32, then this is undoubtedly a great thing, so I decided to explore its device. Well, Tuya…