
KC868-A8S: Wi-Fi, Ethernet, Bluetooth, 433 MHz, RS485 i GSM u jednoj boci

Danas je na stolu kontroler Kincony KC868-A8S, nadograđena verzija prethodno razmatranog kontrolera KC868-A8. Nadograđen toliko da je zapravo već potpuno drugačiji kontroler s mnogo širim značajkama, od kojih je glavna mogućnost rada u GSM mrežama. Developeri i programeri Kincony KC868-A8S su dali sve od sebe da razviju uređaj koji omogućuje (istovremeno) komunikaciju putem Wi-Fi veze, …


KC868-A8S hardware design details

The controller Kincony KC868-A8S,  an upgraded version of the previously considered controller KC868-A8, is on the table today. Upgraded so much that in fact it is already a completely different controller with much wider features, the main of which is the possibility of working in GSM networks.  Developers and programmers Kincony KC868-A8S have done their…


KC868-A128 ESP32 GPIO Module Released!

We have designed KC868-A128 ESP32 board use for huge INPUT and OUTPUT devices for home automation DIY. it is a input module based on ESP32 chip. it have 128 channel digital input ports, every input channel use optocoupler isolation, so that can work for 1000 meter with sensors or any dry contact devices. Support work…


Detalji za dizajniranje hardwarea KC868-A6

Kincony se odlikuje zavidnom vještinom, razvija nove kontrolere poput Lego kockica – svaki mjesec novi model. Očito nemaju zamora. To bi nazvali:             „Kontinuitet razvoja i sposobnost prepoznavanja novih trendova.“ To jest, nastavit će nas zadovoljavati svojim novim uređajima za automatizaciju. Ovo je sjajna vijest, ali postoje još bolje vijesti: Kincony reagira na zahtjeve korisnika…


KC868-A6 hardware design details

Kincony is distinguished by its enviable skill, developing new controllers like Lego bricks – a new model every month. They are obviously not tired. That would be called:   “Continuity of development and the ability to recognize new trends.” That is, they will continue to please us with their new automation devices. This is great…

smart controller

smart distribution board (MCB box) – case22

distribution board customsize design: Functions: 1. remote / locally control 4 channel AC220V 1 phase power output by mobile phone and PC application. 2. use dry contactor sensor trigger output power. 3. connect with network by ethernet or wifi. 4. use DC12V DC contactor for MAX 25A load. YouTube video tour: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQUWhE_6LeOSUgDlpb4aF07yCfpKxLjC8 KinCony technical support…

distribution board

smart distribution board (MCB box) – case21

distribution board customsize design: Functions: 1. remote / locally control 20 channel AC220V 1 phase power output by mobile phone and PC application. 2. use DC24v 40A DC contactor. 3. use dry contactor sensor trigger output power. 4. support connect with analog DC 0-5v sensors and digital sensors and DS18B20 temperature sensors. 5. input sensors…


KC868-AI ESP32 input module released!

We have designed KC868-AI ESP32 board use for sensors for home automation DIY. it is a input module based on ESP32 chip. it have 48 channel digital input ports, every input channel use optocoupler isolation, so that can work for 1000 meter with sensors or any dry contact devices. It can receive data from IR…

esp32 tuya adapter

KinCony ESP32 Tuya iot adapter released

KinCony ESP32 Tuya IoT adapter let relay board or IoT devices easy integrate to tuya IoT platform. We have designed by ESP32 work with Tuya module. Tuya module will connect with Tuya cloud server, when using tuya phone app, message will send to tuya wifi module and decode by ESP32. ESP32 support use arduino IDE…