KC868-A4 read temperature and control relay by Telegram

wrote by Nebojsa from Croatia Using the Telegram application to communicate with the KC868-A4 provides many possibilities. For example, I chose one we have several interesting solutions that could find in practical situations and projects. Of course everyone has the opportunity to freely adapt to their needs. In this example I used resources from KC868-A4:…

telegram bot with KC868-A series ESP32 board

wrote by Nebojsa from Croatia Telegram Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed. The Bot API allows you to easily create programs that use Telegram messages for an interface. “Bots are third-party applications that run inside Telegram. Users can interact with bots by sending them messages, commands,…


KC868-Server home automation local server released!

We have successfully developed the most innovative product — KC868-Server. KC868-Server is a super smart controller for smart home automation and industrial automation control. KC868-Server smart controller support MOSFET output and wall switch connect to it directly. Also have analog input and digital input ports. The most important is integrated Raspberry pi CM4 module. Also…

esp32 relay board

How to programming with KC868-A8

In the last article (https://www.kincony.com/kc868-a8-hardware-design-details.html) we got acquainted with the Kincony KC868-A8 controller and its circuitry, in this article we will analyze the programming of its functional blocks (inputs, relays, temperature sensors, Ethernet interface, etc.). You can use the code examples from this article in your projects on KC868-A8.   Personally, I like both Kincony…

smart power controller

smart distribution board (MCB box) – case19

distribution board customsize design: Functions: 1. remote / locally control 5 channel AC220V 1 phase 63A power output by mobile phone and PC application. 2. use dry contactor sensor trigger output power. 3. support connect with analog DC 0-5v sensors and digital sensors and DS18B20 temperature sensors. 4. input sensors trigger output automatic by IFTTT…

smart circuit breaker

smart distribution board (MCB box) – case18

distribution board customsize design: Functions: 1. remote / locally control 27 channel AC220V 1 phase power output by mobile phone and PC application. 2. use “Omron” removable relay module. 3. use dry contactor sensor trigger output power. 4. support connect with analog DC 0-5v sensors and digital sensors and DS18B20 temperature sensors. 5. input sensors…

esp32 relay board

KC868-A8 hardware design details

While we dealt with the universal entry-level controller on ESP32 for DIY automation Kincony KC868-A4 his older brother Kincony KC868-A8 “came up” – a much more serious device with 8 optoisolated digital inputs, 8 relays on board for controlling various equipment, an I2C connector on the board, a built-in Ethernet interface on the LAN8270A and…

wall switch

metal frame momentary wall switch panel

momentary wall switch introduce: LED Supply Power: DC12V S1/K1–S6/K6:key line KCOM:key Common D6–D1:LED display DCOM:LED Common Note:”Kx” with “KCOM” is dry contactor. D6–D1:LED display DCOM:LED Common Note: D6–D1: input 0V (GND) Then LED ON DCOM: +12V KinCony YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/KinCony


control via mobile Telegram bot for KC868-A4

In the previous article (https://habr.com/en/company/ruvds/blog/647119/) of the Kincony KC868-A4 cycle, we examined the “atomic” programming of the components of this controller, in this article we will analyze more advanced examples of working with KC868-A4 – control your (IoT) system via the Internet.   There are many ways to control the controller via the Internet, today…


how to code by arduino IDE for KC868-A4

We continue the ultimate guide to the Kincony KC868-A4 controller, which began in the previous article. Today we will analyze in detail the pinout of the KC868-A4 and get acquainted with the principles of programming the components (functional blocks) of this controller. All examples will be accompanied by ready-made working code that you can use…


KC868-A4 hardware design details

One long winter evening, I would sit in front of a monitor and browse the internet for anything interesting in general and anything interesting in particular. Unfortunately, the Internet was not very pleased with anything special and I came across either the already stuffed standard debug boards, or variations on the theme “box with ESP8266…