button module

long distance button switch module released

In order to improve the work distance between the switch and the manual control board, and to increase the 32 channel relay output wireless remoter control function, we developed the new button switch module board. Long distance switch button connection, the distance between the button and PCB board is up to 300 meters.it’s very good…

button module

button switch module for KC868-Hx relay controller

Button switch module connect with KC868-Hx smart controller by RS232 port, wall switch panel or any buttons can connect with this board for manual control relay switch. It can use in smart home automation control system or other IOT project. The performance and features of the button switch module are as follows: 1: DC12V power…

home assistant relay module

KC868-Hx relay controller add to home assistant

We have write a program for TCP/IP Socket -> MQTT protocl convert help smart home DIYer to use home assistant for automatic control. So now all KC868-Hx smart controller can add to home assistant. You can also use Apple homekit smart home APP, also can use Siri for voice control. How to do it ,…

socket debugger

KC868-Hx controller TCP Server&Client Debugger released

We have written a new development and debug software tool for KC868-Hx smart relay controller. There are two test versions available: 1.TCP Server Version tool: Debugger download: KC868Hx-Debug-Server (use in Local LAN) Source code download: KC868-Hx Debug-Server local LAN control demo source code.rar (C++Builder 10.2.3) 2.TCP Client Version tool: Debugger download: KC868Hx-Debug-Client (use in Local…

smart home software

KC868 Smart Network Controller PC Software Icos update

We have add the new icos for many electrical equipment. You can download the package and put all to your KC868 Smart Controller PC software install directory, then setting in the PC software options. If there is no icon you want in the icon library, you can contact us and we will design and update…