esphome: name: s3-core-1 friendly_name: s3-core-1 platformio_options: board_build.flash_mode: dio esp32: board: esp32-s3-devkitc-1 framework: type: esp-idf external_components: - source: type: git url: ref: v3.0.1 i2c: sda: 39 scl: 38 scan: true id: bus_a logger: baud_rate: 0 api: ota: - platform: esphome ethernet: type: W5500 clk_pin: GPIO43 mosi_pin: GPIO44 miso_pin: GPIO42 cs_pin: GPIO41 interrupt_pin: GPIO2 reset_pin: GPIO1 uart: - id: uart_485 baud_rate: 9600 debug: direction: BOTH dummy_receiver: true after: timeout: 10ms tx_pin: 16 rx_pin: 15 kc868_ha: pcf8574: - id: 'pcf8574_hub_out_1' address: 0x27 binary_sensor: # The binary_sensor corresponds to the state changes generated by K1~K6 on the KC868 HA board # bind_output is required. Corresponds to the BindOutput parameter in HA485_Ctrl software # Other parameters refer to: - platform: kc868_ha target_relay_controller_addr: 1 # Default value is 1, corresponds to the Target Relay Controller Addr parameter in HA485_Ctrl software switch_adapter_addr: 10 # Default value is 10, corresponds to the Switch Adapter Addr parameter in HA485_Ctrl software bind_output: 1 # Corresponds to the BindOutput parameter in HA485_Ctrl software name: "binary_sensor 1" - platform: kc868_ha target_relay_controller_addr: 1 switch_adapter_addr: 10 bind_output: 2 name: "binary_sensor 2" - platform: kc868_ha target_relay_controller_addr: 1 switch_adapter_addr: 10 bind_output: 3 name: "binary_sensor 3" - platform: kc868_ha target_relay_controller_addr: 1 switch_adapter_addr: 10 bind_output: 4 name: "binary_sensor 4" - platform: kc868_ha target_relay_controller_addr: 1 switch_adapter_addr: 10 bind_output: 5 name: "binary_sensor 5" - platform: kc868_ha target_relay_controller_addr: 1 switch_adapter_addr: 10 bind_output: 6 name: "binary_sensor 6" switch: - platform: kc868_ha target_relay_controller_addr: 1 switch_adapter_addr: 10 bind_output: 1 name: "switch 1" - platform: kc868_ha target_relay_controller_addr: 1 switch_adapter_addr: 10 bind_output: 2 name: "switch 2" - platform: kc868_ha target_relay_controller_addr: 1 switch_adapter_addr: 10 bind_output: 3 name: "switch 3" - platform: kc868_ha target_relay_controller_addr: 1 switch_adapter_addr: 10 bind_output: 4 name: "switch 4" - platform: kc868_ha target_relay_controller_addr: 1 switch_adapter_addr: 10 bind_output: 5 name: "switch 5" - platform: kc868_ha target_relay_controller_addr: 1 switch_adapter_addr: 10 bind_output: 6 name: "switch 6" - platform: gpio name: "do8-light1" pin: pcf8574: pcf8574_hub_out_1 number: 0 mode: OUTPUT inverted: true - platform: gpio name: "do8-light2" pin: pcf8574: pcf8574_hub_out_1 number: 1 mode: OUTPUT inverted: true - platform: gpio name: "do8-light3" pin: pcf8574: pcf8574_hub_out_1 number: 2 mode: OUTPUT inverted: true - platform: gpio name: "do8-light4" pin: pcf8574: pcf8574_hub_out_1 number: 3 mode: OUTPUT inverted: true - platform: gpio name: "do8-light5" pin: pcf8574: pcf8574_hub_out_1 number: 4 mode: OUTPUT inverted: true - platform: gpio name: "do8-light6" pin: pcf8574: pcf8574_hub_out_1 number: 5 mode: OUTPUT inverted: true - platform: gpio name: "do8-light7" pin: pcf8574: pcf8574_hub_out_1 number: 6 mode: OUTPUT inverted: true - platform: gpio name: "do8-light8" pin: pcf8574: pcf8574_hub_out_1 number: 7 mode: OUTPUT inverted: true web_server: port: 80