A32 Pro ESPHome yaml include RS485 modbus temperature humidity sensor - admin - 10-08-2024
here we use RS485 long distance sensor connect with A32 Pro controller using A and B.
the sensor default setting is 9600bps, RS485 address is 1
we can use USB-RS485 adapter connect PC with sensor , monitor the sensor value, or maybe you want change the sensor address and baud rate, so just use PC software to set. Then we can let sensor connect to A32 Pro's RS485 port directly.
mainly add these code for modbus:
- id: uart_modbus
baud_rate: 9600
tx_pin: 9
rx_pin: 8
# Config Modbus
uart_id: uart_modbus
id: modbus1
- id: modbus_sensor
address: 0x01 # device address
modbus_id: modbus1
- platform: modbus_controller
modbus_controller_id: modbus_sensor
name: "RS485 Temperature Sensor"
id: temperature_sensor
address: 0x0000
register_type: holding
value_type: U_WORD
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
accuracy_decimals: 1
- lambda: if (x < 10000) return x * 0.1; else return -1 * (x - 10000) * 0.1;
- platform: modbus_controller
modbus_controller_id: modbus_sensor
name: "RS485 Humidity Sensor"
id: humidity_sensor
address: 0x0001
register_type: holding
value_type: U_WORD
unit_of_measurement: "%"
accuracy_decimals: 1
- multiply: 0.1
whole ESPHome ymal code:
Code: esphome:
name: a32-pro-arduino
friendly_name: a32-Pro-arduino
- source:
type: git
url: https://github.com/hzkincony/esphome-tuya-wifi-mcu
ref: v1.2.0
board: esp32-s3-devkitc-1
type: arduino
# Enable logging
# logger:
# Enable Home Assistant API
key: "fBpihEYPVlfKaE4ZIcY0uRcJ134u7DBKzzskk994+Lw="
type: W5500
clk_pin: GPIO42
mosi_pin: GPIO44
miso_pin: GPIO40
cs_pin: GPIO39
interrupt_pin: GPIO41
reset_pin: GPIO43
- id: uart_modbus
baud_rate: 9600
tx_pin: 9
rx_pin: 8
- id: tuya_mcu_uart
baud_rate: 9600
tx_pin: 15
rx_pin: 16
# tuya mcu product id
product_id: fwy7fk4mzay3kern
uart_id: tuya_mcu_uart
wifi_reset_pin: 21
wifi_led_pin: 45
# Config Modbus
uart_id: uart_modbus
id: modbus1
- id: modbus_sensor
address: 0x01 # device address
modbus_id: modbus1
- id: bus_a
sda: 11
scl: 10
scan: true
frequency: 400kHz
- id: xl9535_hub_out1 # for output channel 1-16
address: 0x21
- id: xl9535_hub_out2 # for output channel 17-32
address: 0x22
- id: xl9535_hub_in1 # for input channel 1-16
address: 0x24
- id: xl9535_hub_in2 # for input channel 17-32
address: 0x25
- id: 'pcf8574_in_3' # for input channel 33-40
address: 0x23
- platform: gpio
pin: 45
name: "LED"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch01
id: "a32_pro_switch01"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 0
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch01 Tuya
dp_id: 101
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch01"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch02
id: "a32_pro_switch02"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 1
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch02 Tuya
dp_id: 102
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch02"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch03
id: "a32_pro_switch03"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 2
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch03 Tuya
dp_id: 103
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch03"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch04
id: "a32_pro_switch04"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 3
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch04 Tuya
dp_id: 104
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch04"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch05
id: "a32_pro_switch05"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 4
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch05 Tuya
dp_id: 105
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch05"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch06
id: "a32_pro_switch06"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 5
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch06 Tuya
dp_id: 106
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch06"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch07
id: "a32_pro_switch07"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 6
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch07 Tuya
dp_id: 107
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch07"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch08
id: "a32_pro_switch08"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 7
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch08 Tuya
dp_id: 108
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch08"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch09
id: "a32_pro_switch09"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 10
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch09 Tuya
dp_id: 109
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch09"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch10
id: "a32_pro_switch10"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 11
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch10 Tuya
dp_id: 110
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch10"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch11
id: "a32_pro_switch11"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 12
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch11 Tuya
dp_id: 111
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch11"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch12
id: "a32_pro_switch12"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 13
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch12 Tuya
dp_id: 112
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch12"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch13
id: "a32_pro_switch13"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 14
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch13 Tuya
dp_id: 113
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch13"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch14
id: "a32_pro_switch14"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 15
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch14 Tuya
dp_id: 114
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch14"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch15
id: "a32_pro_switch15"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 16
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch15 Tuya
dp_id: 115
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch15"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch16
id: "a32_pro_switch16"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 17
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch16 Tuya
dp_id: 116
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch16"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch17
id: "a32_pro_switch17"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 0
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch17 Tuya
dp_id: 117
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch17"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch18
id: "a32_pro_switch18"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 1
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch18 Tuya
dp_id: 118
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch18"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch19
id: "a32_pro_switch19"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 2
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch19 Tuya
dp_id: 119
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch19"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch20
id: "a32_pro_switch20"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 3
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch20 Tuya
dp_id: 120
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch20"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch21
id: "a32_pro_switch21"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 4
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch21 Tuya
dp_id: 121
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch21"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch22
id: "a32_pro_switch22"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 5
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch22 Tuya
dp_id: 122
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch22"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch23
id: "a32_pro_switch23"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 6
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch23 Tuya
dp_id: 123
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch23"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch24
id: "a32_pro_switch24"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 7
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch24 Tuya
dp_id: 124
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch24"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch25
id: "a32_pro_switch25"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 10
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch25 Tuya
dp_id: 125
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch25"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch26
id: "a32_pro_switch26"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 11
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch26 Tuya
dp_id: 126
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch26"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch27
id: "a32_pro_switch27"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 12
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch27 Tuya
dp_id: 127
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch27"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch28
id: "a32_pro_switch28"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 13
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch28 Tuya
dp_id: 128
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch28"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch29
id: "a32_pro_switch29"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 14
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch29 Tuya
dp_id: 129
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch29"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch30
id: "a32_pro_switch30"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 15
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch30 Tuya
dp_id: 130
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch30"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch31
id: "a32_pro_switch31"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 16
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch31 Tuya
dp_id: 131
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch31"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch32
id: "a32_pro_switch32"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out2
number: 17
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro Switch32 Tuya
dp_id: 132
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
# bind other switch, sync state
bind_switch_id: "a32_pro_switch32"
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI01
- switch.toggle: a32_pro_switch01
id: "a32_pro_di01"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 0
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro DI01 Tuya
dp_id: 133
bind_binary_sensor_id: a32_pro_di01
internal: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI02
id: "a32_pro_di02"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 1
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro DI02 Tuya
dp_id: 134
bind_binary_sensor_id: a32_pro_di02
internal: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI03
id: "a32_pro_di03"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 2
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro DI03 Tuya
dp_id: 135
bind_binary_sensor_id: a32_pro_di03
internal: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI04
id: "a32_pro_di04"
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 3
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: A32 Pro DI04 Tuya
dp_id: 136
bind_binary_sensor_id: a32_pro_di04
internal: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI05
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 4
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI06
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 5
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI07
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 6
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI08
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 7
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI09
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 10
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI10
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 11
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI11
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 12
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI12
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 13
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI13
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 14
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI14
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 15
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI15
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 16
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI16
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 17
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: "A32 Pro TMP1"
number: 1
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: "A32 Pro TMP2"
number: 2
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: "A32 Pro DL"
number: 0
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: "A32 Pro DTUYA"
number: 21
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI17
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 0
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI18
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 1
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI19
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 2
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI20
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 3
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI21
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 4
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI22
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 5
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI23
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 6
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI24
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 7
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI25
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 10
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI26
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 11
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI27
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 12
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI28
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 13
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI29
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 14
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI30
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 15
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI31
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 16
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI32
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in2
number: 17
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI33
pcf8574: pcf8574_in_3
number: 0
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI34
pcf8574: pcf8574_in_3
number: 1
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI35
pcf8574: pcf8574_in_3
number: 2
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI36
pcf8574: pcf8574_in_3
number: 3
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI37
pcf8574: pcf8574_in_3
number: 4
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI38
pcf8574: pcf8574_in_3
number: 5
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI39
pcf8574: pcf8574_in_3
number: 6
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI40
pcf8574: pcf8574_in_3
number: 7
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
id: my_gp8403
voltage: 10V
- platform: gp8403
id: gp8403_output_1
gp8403_id: my_gp8403
channel: 0
- platform: gp8403
id: gp8403_output_2
gp8403_id: my_gp8403
channel: 1
- platform: monochromatic
name: "A32 Pro-DAC-0"
id: a32_pro_dac_0
output: gp8403_output_1
gamma_correct: 1.0
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: "Tuya A32 Pro-DAC-0"
# bind other light, sync state
bind_light_id: a32_pro_dac_0
output: gp8403_output_1
dp_id: 173
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
gamma_correct: 1.0
- platform: monochromatic
name: "A32 Pro-DAC-1"
id: a32_pro_dac_1
output: gp8403_output_2
gamma_correct: 1.0
- platform: tuya_wifi_mcu
name: "Tuya A32 Pro-DAC-1"
# bind other light, sync state
bind_light_id: a32_pro_dac_1
output: gp8403_output_2
dp_id: 174
# hide from homeassistant ui
internal: true
gamma_correct: 1.0
- platform: adc
pin: 7
name: "A32 Pro A1 Voltage"
update_interval: 5s
attenuation: 11db
- lambda:
if (x >= 3.11) {
return x * 1.60256;
} else if (x <= 0.15) {
return 0;
} else {
return x * 1.51;
- platform: adc
pin: 6
name: "A32 Pro A2 Voltage"
update_interval: 5s
attenuation: 11db
# - multiply: 1.51515
- lambda:
if (x >= 3.11) {
return x * 1.60256;
} else if (x <= 0.15) {
return 0;
} else {
return x * 1.51;
- platform: adc
pin: 5
name: "A32 Pro A3 Current"
update_interval: 5s
unit_of_measurement: mA
attenuation: 11db
- multiply: 6.66666666
- platform: adc
pin: 4
name: "A32 Pro A4 Current"
update_interval: 5s
unit_of_measurement: mA
attenuation: 11db
- multiply: 6.66666666
- platform: modbus_controller
modbus_controller_id: modbus_sensor
name: "RS485 Temperature Sensor"
id: temperature_sensor
address: 0x0000
register_type: holding
value_type: U_WORD
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
accuracy_decimals: 1
- lambda: if (x < 10000) return x * 0.1; else return -1 * (x - 10000) * 0.1;
- platform: modbus_controller
modbus_controller_id: modbus_sensor
name: "RS485 Humidity Sensor"
id: humidity_sensor
address: 0x0001
register_type: holding
value_type: U_WORD
unit_of_measurement: "%"
accuracy_decimals: 1
- multiply: 0.1
port: 80
- file: "gfonts://Roboto"
id: roboto
size: 20
- platform: ssd1306_i2c
i2c_id: bus_a
model: "SSD1306 128x64"
address: 0x3C
lambda: |-
it.printf(0, 0, id(roboto), "A32 Pro");
yaml file download:
A32_Pro-ESPHome_arduino_type_RS485_MODBUS_SENSOR.txt (Size: 23.44 KB / Downloads: 97)
RS485 sensor config PC software:
RS485-sensor-PC-tool.zip (Size: 4.08 MB / Downloads: 98)
RE: A32 Pro ESPHome yaml include RS485 modbus temperature humidity sensor - xarouli5 - 12-13-2024
Will this sensor work with Home Assistant connected in A+B?
What is the code for yaml?
RE: A32 Pro ESPHome yaml include RS485 modbus temperature humidity sensor - admin - 12-14-2024
sure, it support home assistant, if your sever have RS485 port, you can connect directly.
yaml file already showed in this thread. it's same, just modify configure.yaml for home assistant.
RE: A32 Pro ESPHome yaml include RS485 modbus temperature humidity sensor - xarouli5 - 12-14-2024
The yamp code is the same you have here on this thread?
RE: A32 Pro ESPHome yaml include RS485 modbus temperature humidity sensor - admin - 12-15-2024
only need change RS485 rxd,txd pin define number.
RE: A32 Pro ESPHome yaml include RS485 modbus temperature humidity sensor - xarouli5 - 12-15-2024
(12-15-2024, 06:31 AM)admin Wrote: only need change RS485 rxd,txd pin define number.
Is there somewhere a tutorial for yaml code as I do not know how yaml works?
RE: A32 Pro ESPHome yaml include RS485 modbus temperature humidity sensor - admin - 12-15-2024
do you have a own server computer installed home assistant?
RE: A32 Pro ESPHome yaml include RS485 modbus temperature humidity sensor - xarouli5 - 12-15-2024
Yes, home assistant installed already and running. AIO board used for automation.
RE: A32 Pro ESPHome yaml include RS485 modbus temperature humidity sensor - admin - 12-15-2024
what's your server? it's a PC? or it's a KinCony server16 controller? we need details.
RE: A32 Pro ESPHome yaml include RS485 modbus temperature humidity sensor - xarouli5 - 12-15-2024
It is a raspbery pi 5 8gb running home assistant on docker.