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Transfer our own binaries to the system? - Printable Version

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RE: Transfer our own binaries to the system? - admin - 05-27-2021

RE: Transfer our own binaries to the system? - FRANCISCO2020 - 05-28-2021

Hello, several questions:
No box?
You are going to make it with 8 or 16 relay?

RE: Transfer our own binaries to the system? - admin - 05-29-2021

default is without box version,but we also have with box version.
in furture we will make more relay version.

RE: Transfer our own binaries to the system? - admin - 06-01-2021

here is with box version photo.

RE: Transfer our own binaries to the system? - mirko - 06-01-2021

Great job! Do you have box for Switch Terminal board too?

RE: Transfer our own binaries to the system? - admin - 06-01-2021

switch terminal board without box, but have green parts for install on the DIN rail. because switch terminal board no high voltage working.