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SHT30/DS18B20 errors and warnings in the logs - Printable Version

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RE: SHT30/DS18B20 errors and warnings in the logs - admin - 10-13-2024

my means: just re solder the resistors pad on PCB. also re solder the ESP32 module pins.

RE: SHT30/DS18B20 errors and warnings in the logs - TaurosRMK - 10-13-2024

(10-13-2024, 01:46 AM)admin Wrote: my code is update every 1 minute, you can change to smaller.
KC868-A2 1-wire circuit, only use by 4 resistance for two GPIO ports.
R11,R12: 4.7K
R13,R14: 100ohm

Maybe you can use electric ferrochrome to repair the resistor pad and the gpio pad related to the esp32 module.

Can you show the whole board schematic? I'm wondering if any pull-up resistors exist on the IN1/IN2 inputs. I use them to read the RPM of my fans and they have this wiring diagram. A pull-up resistor is needed there. But I didn't use any pull-up resistor, I just connected the wires to the inputs and I got feedback on the fan RPM. I'm not sure, but maybe this affects the operation of the sensors.

Looking at the diagram, which resistor should I use? I use 24V power supply for board A2, then I have to solder a pull-up resistor between IN1/IN2 to +24V, should this resistor be 24kΩ? Or should the pull-up resistor value be different and not tied to 24V?

RE: SHT30/DS18B20 errors and warnings in the logs - TaurosRMK - 10-13-2024

I've been running tests for a while and have figured out something. The Kincony A2 board works fine with the DS18B20 sensor if A2 is not in the control box. Even if I put the board in the box where it should be, everything works fine until I start the fans. A 0-10V signal controls these fans, and the controller is connected to the Kincony A2 via RS485. The Kincony A2 also reads the RPM of these fans.

Is there any interference or conflict between the 0-10V controller and the Kincony A2? Maybe the Kincony A2 is not protected against interference? Is there any way to fix it?

RE: SHT30/DS18B20 errors and warnings in the logs - admin - 10-13-2024

KC868-A2 schematic download at here:

RE: SHT30/DS18B20 errors and warnings in the logs - TaurosRMK - 10-14-2024

Okay, thanks. Are there any options to protect A2 from external interference?

RE: SHT30/DS18B20 errors and warnings in the logs - admin - 10-14-2024

maybe you can test add another power supply for KC868-A2. Not use same power supply for your all devices.

RE: SHT30/DS18B20 errors and warnings in the logs - TaurosRMK - 01-10-2025

I will continue in this thread, although my question is a bit different.
I connect the tachometer wire from the fan to the digital input on the A2 board. The wiring diagram is attached. I have connected the FG wire to the digital input and the GND from the fan is connected to another device that shares a common power supply with the A2 board, so all GNDs are connected to each other. I know that there are pull-up resistors on the A2 board, which are needed to read the fan RPM.

I connected and checked the operation, and everything was fine. But lately I noticed that the RPM readout is working with problems, sometimes it shows 0 RPM, although the fan is working properly, sometimes it shows 50-150K, although the maximum fan RPM is 3200, the fan is working in normal mode at this time. I can't figure out what's wrong.

Also in the yaml code it was written like this:
  - platform: pulse_counter
      number: GPIO36
    name: “Fan Supply RPM”
    id: supply_fan_rpm
    icon: mdi:speedometer
    unit_of_measurement: “RPM”
    update_interval: 1s
    accuracy_decimals: 0
      - multiply: 0.5
      - exponential_moving_average:
          send_every: 5

but when I tried to add it, I got an error.
      input: true
      pullup: true

What can it be, what is the problem? Does the pullup resistor work and why can't I write it in the code?


RE: SHT30/DS18B20 errors and warnings in the logs - admin - 01-11-2025

remove " pullup: true" , LOG showed not support that.

RE: SHT30/DS18B20 errors and warnings in the logs - TaurosRMK - 01-16-2025

(01-11-2025, 01:57 AM)admin Wrote: remove "      pullup: true" , LOG showed not support that.

Are you serious? I think the question was about something else, is the pull-up resistor working here, given that it is impossible to activate it in the code, because these pins do not support pull-up resistors?
And could this be the reason why the RPM is sometimes not read, even though the fan is working properly? Or the RPMs are read, but instead of the maximum 3200 RPMs, 30-50-100K RPMs are read.

RE: SHT30/DS18B20 errors and warnings in the logs - TaurosRMK - 01-22-2025

So... If looking at the fan wiring diagram (post above), how do I connect the wires to the A2 board to read the RPM from the fan?