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KC868-A16 error in HASS yaml - Printable Version

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KC868-A16 error in HASS yaml - AVS412 - 02-26-2022

The yaml file for de kc868-a16 is giving errors i a will validate this in homeassistant.

Reading configuration /config/esphome/IO_Bord_001.yaml...
ERROR Error while reading config: Invalid YAML syntax:

Duplicate key "– id"
  in "/config/esphome/IO_Bord_001.yaml", line 32, column 1:
    – id: ‘pcf8574_hub_in_1’ # for i ...
NOTE: Previous declaration here:
  in "/config/esphome/IO_Bord_001.yaml", line 29, column 1:
    – id: ‘pcf8574_hub_out_1’ # for  ...

Is there a newer version?

RE: KC868-A16 error in HASS yaml - admin - 02-27-2022

Do you copy this config text in your ESPHome?
[Image: KC868-A16_ESPHome.png]

RE: KC868-A16 error in HASS yaml - AVS412 - 02-27-2022

No, its not working.
I want change the default IP from to I have change that in the file as on your site, but the ESPHomne give a error so that i cant flash te board.
Because the standard IP adress is not in my range from HA i can't communicate.

RE: KC868-A16 error in HASS yaml - admin - 02-27-2022

check your space number behind - , because the webpage format problem.

RE: KC868-A16 error in HASS yaml - AVS412 - 02-28-2022

(02-27-2022, 11:47 PM)admin Wrote: check your space number behind -  , because the webpage format problem.

Ik don't see it  Huh
Please can you send the file to: ?

RE: KC868-A16 error in HASS yaml - admin - 02-28-2022

ok, later we send you a txt format file.

RE: KC868-A16 error in HASS yaml - admin - 02-28-2022

it's format problem by webpage. look at the color of - and '
you can download this config txt file, unzip it , copy text to your ESPHome config file directly.

.zip (Size: 882 bytes / Downloads: 429)

RE: KC868-A16 error in HASS yaml - admin - 02-28-2022

send to your email, but failure, you just download the zip file will be ok.

RE: KC868-A16 error in HASS yaml - AVS412 - 02-28-2022

Working great.
Thanks for your support!

RE: KC868-A16 error in HASS yaml - petez69 - 04-30-2022

Thankyou Admin

I was having the same issue, now working :-)
