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DS18B20 not detected in EPSHOME - Printable Version

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DS18B20 not detected in EPSHOME - gigib - 03-08-2024


Thank you for your support so far. I was able to see DS18B20 temperature sensor with KCS firmware, but then I loaded ESPhome as I was planning to use 6 sensors in the same wire.
After loading ESPHome I'm not able to see a single sensor anymore ( I have left only one for tests):

[23:48:45][I][i2c.arduino:069]: Results from i2c bus scan:
[23:48:45][I][i2c.arduino:075]: Found i2c device at address 0x21
[23:48:45][I][i2c.arduino:075]: Found i2c device at address 0x22
[23:48:45][I][i2c.arduino:075]: Found i2c device at address 0x24
[23:48:45][I][i2c.arduino:075]: Found i2c device at address 0x25
[23:48:47][C][dallas.sensor:076]:  Pin: GPIO14
[23:48:47][C][dallas.sensor:077]:  Update Interval: 60.0s
[23:48:47][W][dallas.sensor:080]:  Found no sensors!
[23:48:47][C][dallas.sensor:075]: DallasComponent:
[23:48:47][C][dallas.sensor:076]:  Pin: GPIO32
[23:48:47][C][dallas.sensor:077]:  Update Interval: 60.0s
[23:48:47][W][dallas.sensor:080]:  Found no sensors!
[23:48:47][C][dallas.sensor:075]: DallasComponent:
[23:48:47][C][dallas.sensor:076]:  Pin: GPIO33
[23:48:47][C][dallas.sensor:077]:  Update Interval: 60.0s
[23:48:47][W][dallas.sensor:080]:  Found no sensors!
[23:48:57][E][dallas.sensor:112]: Requesting conversion failed

Is the following configuration correct for KC868-A16 and onewire sensor detection?

  sda: 4
  scl: 5
  scan: true
  id: bus_a
  - pin: GPIO14
  - pin: GPIO32
  - pin: GPIO33


RE: DS18B20 not detected in EPSHOME - admin - 03-09-2024

you said, you want to use "SAME WIRE"? but you have define some different pins? what do you want to do??

RE: DS18B20 not detected in EPSHOME - gigib - 03-11-2024


Let me explain, at the moment I only have a single DS18B20 connected to the center GPIO ( I believe GPIO 32)
But it is not detected by ESPhome. I had the same connection while running KCS firmware and I could see the temperature with no issues.

RE: DS18B20 not detected in EPSHOME - admin - 03-11-2024

- pin: GPIO32

just only config yaml as these, then check ESPHome log, whether have found DS18B20.
make sure you are really use the GPIO32.

RE: DS18B20 not detected in EPSHOME - gigib - 03-15-2024


 I bought a KC868-A8 and I'm seeing the same issue. I tried different GPIOs ( 14, 33) but sensor is still not detected
The only additional configuration I have is:

  - pin: GPIO33
Data wire is now connected next to VCC, which should be the 4th GPIO connector

what else could be the issue here?

RE: DS18B20 not detected in EPSHOME - admin - 03-16-2024

take a photo how you wire?

RE: DS18B20 not detected in EPSHOME - gigib - 03-20-2024

(03-16-2024, 01:42 AM)admin Wrote: take a photo how you wire?


I'm seeing the same issue with KC868-A16 too

RE: DS18B20 not detected in EPSHOME - admin - 03-20-2024

your wire is correct. try to change define GPIOS by these (32,33,14):
DS18B20/DHT11/DHT21/WS2812 LED strip -1: 32
DS18B20/DHT11/DHT21/WS2812 LED strip -2: 33
DS18B20/DHT11/DHT21/WS2812 LED strip -2: 14

RE: DS18B20 not detected in EPSHOME - gigib - 04-05-2024

It looks like the issue was with that specific sensor I was using for tests.
I bought 5 new DS18B20 sensors and I was able to detect all of them when directly connected to the same GPIO.
Now I tried to connect sensors from a 50-meter cat5e bus, but I can only detect 2 or 3 of them.
I might need to distribute sensors to all 4 GPIO or add a resistor. What's your suggestion?

RE: DS18B20 not detected in EPSHOME - admin - 04-05-2024

50 meter , it's too long. if you use esphome, i suggest you add a new small modulle for read ds18b20 data. let sensor near by esp32 board is better.
we have tested ds18b20 by 30 meter is ok, BUT use thick wire, not CAT5 cable, CAT5 is too thin.