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KinCony KC868-HAv2 not getting config setting - Printable Version

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KinCony KC868-HAv2 not getting config setting - ia1 - 05-19-2024


I am unable to get config setting in hav2 module while clicking read once button connected through usb to rs 485 converter, but when i connect any input to gnd it send some information as attache pictures

RE: KinCony KC868-HAv2 not getting config setting - admin - 05-20-2024

when HAv2 board power on , whether have RED led blink? that's running led .

RE: KinCony KC868-HAv2 not getting config setting - ia1 - 05-20-2024

when power on its blink fast fr few seconds and than blink slow after wards, I have two HAV2,both are doing same.

thanks dear for your support, I found issue with USB-RS485 convertor

RE: KinCony KC868-HAv2 not getting config setting - admin - 05-20-2024

yes, it's normal.

RE: KinCony KC868-HAv2 not getting config setting - spaemice - 05-22-2024

I also have a problem, during restart/power failure when the system boots up it doesn't give me feedback from the module, whether it is on or not until I make some change on/off I get the initial result: binary_sensor 1 Unknown ??

RE: KinCony KC868-HAv2 not getting config setting - admin - 05-23-2024

we will update this in furture, just update ESPHome component for HAv2.