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[arduino code examples for F16]-02 Read digital input ports state - Printable Version

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[arduino code examples for F16]-02 Read digital input ports state - admin - 10-01-2024

* Made by KinCony IoT:
* Description:
* This Arduino program reads the state of a 16-channel PCF8575 I/O expander
* and prints the state of all input pins to the Serial Monitor. The state of
* each pin is represented as a bit in a 16-bit value, where each bit corresponds
* to an input pin. The program prints the input state in binary format.
* Pin Definitions:
* - SDA: GPIO 21
* - SCL: GPIO 22
* - PCF8575 I2C Address: 0x24

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "PCF8575.h"

// Define I2C pins
#define I2C_SDA 8  // Define SDA pin
#define I2C_SCL 18  // Define SCL pin

// Set I2C address
PCF8575 pcf8575_IN1(0x24); // The I2C address of the PCF8575

void setup() {

    // Initialize I2C communication
    Wire.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL); // Initialize I2C with defined SDA and SCL pins

    pcf8575_IN1.begin(); // Initialize the PCF8575

    Serial.println("KinCony F16 16 channel input state 0:ON  1:OFF");

void loop() {
    uint16_t state = 0;

    // Read the state of each pin (assuming 16 pins)
    for (int pin = 0; pin < 16; pin++) {
        if ( {
            state |= (1 << pin); // Set the bit for the active pin

    Serial.print("Input state: ");
    Serial.println(state, BIN); // Print the state of inputs in binary

    delay(500); // Delay 500ms
arduino ino file download:
.zip (Size: 839 bytes / Downloads: 85)
BIN file (you can use esp32 download tool download to ESP32-S3 with address 0x0 then directly to use) download: 
.zip (Size: 187.5 KB / Downloads: 74)

RE: [arduino code examples for F16]-02 Read digital input ports state - Talal - 01-09-2025

Hi! I bought f16, before I was using A8s but Now Switched to F16 for my project. I am confused for f16 libraries. As I cannot find the "pcf8575" and "U8g2lib" libraries used in examples of f16. Can you share these libraries. Also, Kindly share the schematic of F16 as It would be helpful for my project. Thanks.

RE: [arduino code examples for F16]-02 Read digital input ports state - admin - 01-09-2025

already repied in your another thread.