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Problems accesing the browser for MQTT configuration - Printable Version

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Problems accesing the browser for MQTT configuration - Gesinentec - 11-18-2024


I currently have a KC868-A6 device. 

I am using it along with a HomeAssistant with EspHome to use the relays and a wiegand device. I am trying to set up communication using MQTT by editing the configuration.yaml file and the mosquitto broker add-on, using MQTT.fx as a software.

I've been browsing videos of different Kincony devices about how to set this up and most set the server internally through the Kincony internal web server and then they do some additional settings using the add-on and so on.

Ever since flashing and before doing anything using EspHome, I have been unable to connect to the WiFi AP provided by the device. I can see the AP in the WiFi list, full signal but each time I connect it fails and disconnects, making me unable to access the URL. I also tried to do the option with the buttons and another solution via flashing provided by another user in the thread and I still was unable to connect to the website.

Once I do the whole EspHome configuration, I understand that this AP is disabled and I can no longer access this URL to configure the Kincony device and all must be done using the EspHome configuration files as the KC868-A6-XXXXXXXXX wifi can't be seen anymore.

Are there any alternatives to this? I have already done the flash KCS guide with latest firmware (2.2.2), the UDP_SCAN tool doesn't detect the device, the device IS connecting properly to the wifi if we go by the .yaml logs and using a 3rd party IP scanner it shows up on the list.

RE: Problems accesing the browser for MQTT configuration - admin - 11-18-2024

if you download KCS firmware for KC868-A6. after download reboot, you will see AP hotspot named KC868-A6xxxxxxxx. use your laptop connect to KC868-A6 by wifi. Then you can login by web browser by , go to "network" page, set wifi mode= STA, set your router's ssid and password. after reboot, AP hotspot will not work, then you can use UDP_SCAN tool to find the board's IP.

RE: Problems accesing the browser for MQTT configuration - Gesinentec - 11-19-2024

Hello again, thank you for your help. 

I flashed the device using my main PC and managed to connect to the wifi using a different PC and could connect to the

Now my problem is figuring out the MQTT connection. I used an open and working MQTT server/connection that I can see is currently working. It doesn't use any certificates or the like. The A6 doesn't seem to be able to connect after specifying the broker address, port, username and password.

EDIT: OK, I missed that you need to add mqtt:// or mqtts:// in the broker address field.
Is there a list of topics or parameters that are configured in the device or are topics only based on SET and STATUS?

Additionally: All the configurations done on the internal web of the kincony device are overwritten once it is flashed using ESPHome or not necessarily?

Thank you for your time.

RE: Problems accesing the browser for MQTT configuration - admin - 11-19-2024

if you download firmware by ESPHome will overwrite all KCS firmware. But if you want to use KCS firmware again, you can download KCS firmware again.

RE: Problems accesing the browser for MQTT configuration - Gesinentec - 11-19-2024

(11-19-2024, 11:54 AM)admin Wrote: if you download firmware by ESPHome will overwrite all KCS firmware. But if you want to use KCS firmware again, you can download KCS firmware again.

Is it possible to keep both the Kincony landing page (or the while also being able to use the device with ESPHome?

RE: Problems accesing the browser for MQTT configuration - admin - 11-19-2024

no, only use one firmware. can't by both.

RE: Problems accesing the browser for MQTT configuration - Gesinentec - 11-22-2024

(11-19-2024, 12:31 PM)admin Wrote: no, only use one firmware. can't by both.

I understand. I figured that was the case.

Is there any way to develop something similar in ESPHome or is there any access to the source code of the landing page?

RE: Problems accesing the browser for MQTT configuration - admin - 11-22-2024

you can design by ESPHome or arduino IDE. KCS firmware is not open source.