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THT22 and 5v - jltluc57 - 02-02-2025

Improvement to be made:

I find it a shame that it is not specified in the documentation that to use the THT22 it must be in 5 volts.
You have to look on the forum.

In addition, it is not clean to go and get the 5v on the RF port, it is a DIY job.
An external terminal block would be more judicious.

Maybe in the future...

Board : KC868-A16

RE: THT22 and 5v - twostar - 02-02-2025

If you mean DHT22, isn't it 3V?  Or at least the voltage output for the sensors is 3V.  Since DHT22's (meaning the AM2302) are 3 - 5V it should be OK.

(The AM2302 specs say 3.3 - 5.5V but lots of places advertise them as 3 - 5V so presumably they're OK at the 3V the board provides).

I've just found (probably) the post you're referring to.  It'll be interesting to see whether the DHT22's I've ordered work at 3V, it may be that some do purely by coincidence.  I agree that either this problem should be documented or the output should be changed to 5V because the DHT11 has a similar issue.  Only the DS18B20 definitely has a 3V minimum, but even that's a minimum voltage not the recommended one.

RE: THT22 and 5v - jltluc57 - 02-02-2025

Yes for the sensor I agree.
but it does not work with this card.
you need 5v with this card.

Moreover even after the configuration of the THT22 input, it does not work immediately despite the resets..
For it to work you have to change "Temperature Threshold" and humidity example 0.0 --> 0.5 then 0.0
I will put the pictures

Look at  :

for it to work after 2 hours of testing between voltage etc..
You need 5v and do this manipulation, because I think it has a false value in memory for Temperature Threshold  and Humidity.
even if it indicates 0 this is false.

Thank you for your feedback Twostar

I also think that the refresh is not good; as if it does not read the sensor regularly or correctly.

There are 2 DS1820 + TH22 probes side by side, when I change the temperature, the DS1820 responds immediately, but not the TH22, it sometimes takes several minutes.
I even sometimes have to reset by cutting the power supply.

The idea of the card is very good. I test everything before buying several, but there are still quite a few things that deserve improvements (see my posts)

RE: THT22 and 5v - twostar - 02-02-2025

Ugh. I've just done a quick google on "dht22 3V" and there's a lot of conflicting information out there, but the consensus seems to be that even at 3.3V it sometimes doesn't work properly, and 3.5V is a safer minimum. I wonder how it was made to work with the KC868 when the firmware was developed?

RE: THT22 and 5v - jltluc57 - 02-02-2025


When everything works the values are within tolerance.
4 different Temp. measurement points

The differences come from the inertia of the outer envelopes.


RE: THT22 and 5v - admin - 02-02-2025

Different sensors have differences.

RE: THT22 and 5v - jltluc57 - 02-03-2025


Here is the power cut, the power comes back.

The TH22s are no longer refreshed..
it becomes annoying, always something wrong!!

RE: THT22 and 5v - twostar - 02-03-2025

It looks like you've got the thresholds set at zero, doesn't that mean they wouldn't refresh?

RE: THT22 and 5v - jltluc57 - 02-03-2025

no. ,
precisely there is no threshold so it refreshes all the time.
The proof is that the temperature probe is updated regularly.

I think there is a program problem..

RE: THT22 and 5v - admin - 02-04-2025

you can set all items "Temperature Threshold" to 0.1
there are 4 channel of KC868-A16 CH1,CH2 use by 4-20mA sensor, CH3,CH4 use by 0-5v sensor. so please confirm which type of sensor you have connected?