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MQTT Connection issues - Printable Version

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MQTT Connection issues - TobiTechnik - 03-06-2025

Hey there,

i got a projekt, for that i bought the KinCony KC868-A16 and an RaspberryPi4.
Currently I´m trying to connect the Kincony board and Raspberry with Mosquitto to Node Red.
Mosquitto is running and I´m able to send and recive messages when i try it from my Pi to recive a message on nodered.
I´m able to ping the KinCony Board and connect with it with WLan to change the settings on the Board.

What am I missing that I don´t get the connection via MQTT and NodeRed?
When it would work, how does the topic for the MQTT message have to look like?

Thanks in advance for the help.

RE: MQTT Connection issues - admin - 03-06-2025

here is mqtt protocol document:
i think you can't use mqtt:// you should use a pc actual ip address.