03-27-2025, 09:55 AM
Hi All,
I am trying to add new form to root page and configure the form as per my requirements.
Please check below sample code is not working.
And send me Latest Arduino IDE wifimanager sample example code.
#include <WiFiManager.h> // https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager
#include <FS.h>
#include <SPIFFS.h>
const char* htmlFile = "/index.html";
void setup() {
// Initialize SPIFFS
if (!SPIFFS.begin(true)) {
Serial.println("An Error has occurred while mounting SPIFFS");
// Create WiFiManager instance
WiFiManager wifiManager;
// Set custom root page handler
wifiManager.setAPCallback([](WiFiManager *wm) {
// This runs when AP mode is started
// Add custom route handler for root page
wm->server->on("/", HTTP_GET, [wm]() {
if (SPIFFS.exists(htmlFile)) {
File file = SPIFFS.open(htmlFile, "r");
if (file) {
wm->server->sendHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); // If file is compressed
wm->server->streamFile(file, "text/html");
// Fallback to default if file not found
wm->server->send(200, "text/html",
"<html><body><h1>WiFi Config</h1>"
"<p>Please connect to WiFi network</p>"
"<p>Then configure your settings</p></body></html>");
// Start WiFiManager
if (!wifiManager.autoConnect("MyAP")) {
Serial.println("Failed to connect");
//////////// ESP.restart();
void loop() {
// Your code here
I am trying to add new form to root page and configure the form as per my requirements.
Please check below sample code is not working.
And send me Latest Arduino IDE wifimanager sample example code.
#include <WiFiManager.h> // https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager
#include <FS.h>
#include <SPIFFS.h>
const char* htmlFile = "/index.html";
void setup() {
// Initialize SPIFFS
if (!SPIFFS.begin(true)) {
Serial.println("An Error has occurred while mounting SPIFFS");
// Create WiFiManager instance
WiFiManager wifiManager;
// Set custom root page handler
wifiManager.setAPCallback([](WiFiManager *wm) {
// This runs when AP mode is started
// Add custom route handler for root page
wm->server->on("/", HTTP_GET, [wm]() {
if (SPIFFS.exists(htmlFile)) {
File file = SPIFFS.open(htmlFile, "r");
if (file) {
wm->server->sendHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); // If file is compressed
wm->server->streamFile(file, "text/html");
// Fallback to default if file not found
wm->server->send(200, "text/html",
"<html><body><h1>WiFi Config</h1>"
"<p>Please connect to WiFi network</p>"
"<p>Then configure your settings</p></body></html>");
// Start WiFiManager
if (!wifiManager.autoConnect("MyAP")) {
Serial.println("Failed to connect");
//////////// ESP.restart();
void loop() {
// Your code here