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auto download circuit on KC868-Ax PCBs
I have just received a brand new KC868-A4 board, and I have found a trouble when trying to upload any firmware, not only with Arduino IDE, but also with Espressif tool. It is a rather well known issue (several posts in internet) , common to many ESP32 modules, that manifests with a failed entry in flash mode, with eternal looping"Waiting for packet header...".  One brut force solution, that worked well by my board is to maintain depressed the boot/flash button -S2-during whole upload process. The other, following Internet posts, is to put a supplementary Cap 1uF at EN pin3 of esp32 module. That worked well also in my case, this capacitor coming in parallel with the already equipped C4 (1uF) of the auto download circuit on my kc868-A4.
Does it mean that my board came faulty from factory, or is the design of the auto download circuit marginal ? I would appreciate Kincony's sincere report and recommendation for this issue.

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