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Very frustrated

I know this BB is monitored or run by the company, or at least this pasrt of the BB.  If I get banned its no loss.  I feel ripped off.

My unit doesnt boot from USB C no matter where jumper is....

My relays are not putting out any power....

There is not any good information on the specs...not even a power supply or max or min amps.

I had to chase to get the RF module I bought and paid for and I still dont know if its coming and if it comes with a remote.

There are no manuals...

Confusion for me at least between GPIO and iC2  , relays and modbus.  It seems if you are that tech savvy you'd build your own for much less money.

And a reply I see often is to DL the awful Whatsapp, which I will never do, its not a safe app.

I am about 100 hours into this and asked for a refund and return to company about 5 times.

I have no choice but to consider this as a massive rip off for me and to post an awful review on youtube and X to hopefully warn others about their risk here.  It seems like a promising product and the company seemed very good at pre sale but after receiving product and post sale support I have regrets.

Mark @ Bacon Ranch
all information in our forum and youtube channel.
you have many questions, it's better taka video of your problem, upload to google driver, so that we can understand.

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