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On the Kincony server 16, are the sensors only binary?
If I want to display voltage of a vehicke do I have to use the native GPIO on the CM4?
Can I simply run a ground from the ground terminal to the metal frame?
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now the digital input ports only use for binary. if you want to use analog . there is i2c extender port on server16, you can add one i2c adc module.
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(10-07-2024, 03:01 AM)admin Wrote: now the digital input ports only use for binary. if you want to use analog . there is i2c extender port on server16, you can add one i2c adc module.
ok thank you for the reply. Im not sure about all this i2c adc modules, beyond my ability I you have a video showing how to wire in multiple sensors? As in, do they all have to be connected like the switches do for power?? Do the native CM4 GPIO pins still work as usual ( as long as they are activated via config yaml ) ??
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do you want to use home assistant? if YES, just config i2c or GPIOs by yaml file.
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(10-07-2024, 11:40 PM)admin Wrote: do you want to use home assistant? if YES, just config i2c or GPIOs by yaml file.
yes I am using home assistant. Just want to make an automation for when a 12v switch is turned on in truck. Should I disable reverse logic? The terminal shows a positve charge with nothing installed to it.
I have i2c in yaml already. I did try wiring the switch in but no change, but when i short the terminal to ground I do get throughput home asisstant. I will add the GPIO yamn part but for now that doesn't matter to configuring how these digital terminals need wiring.
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can you take a video of your problem, send to whatsapp number: +86-15381188302 so that i can understand your means.
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(10-08-2024, 01:55 AM)admin Wrote: can you take a video of your problem, send to whatsapp number: +86-15381188302 so that i can understand your means.
Here is another link, I hope it helps but its very hard to make videos (with 1 hand) , and then stitch then small portions together for 1 convenient video, then 45 min to upload just for your quick review and also explain in plain language other than what I already have taken time to type out. I really wish I hadnt bought this thing, massive time killer, I had no idea there was no lierature with it, just here, overpay and well send it just in a box....
Sorry I dont do whatsapp, I wont download it just for this, this was enough of an absolute hassle and waste of time, really really wish I never bought this thing, cant say that enough.
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Server16 digital input ports use for dry contact signal. or you can input 12v or 0v. when 0v is trigger (as same as digital input short with GND). if you connect with power 12v to digital input, that means NOT trigger.
If you want this logical state to be reversed. want input 12v for sensor trigger. you can config in home assistant "inverted" option.
you can post your config file at here, we can have a look.
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(10-11-2024, 01:29 AM)admin Wrote: Server16 digital input ports use for dry contact signal. or you can input 12v or 0v. when 0v is trigger (as same as digital input short with GND). if you connect with power 12v to digital input, that means NOT trigger.
If you want this logical state to be reversed. want input 12v for sensor trigger. you can config in home assistant "inverted" option.
you can post your config file at here, we can have a look.
ok, thank you for reply, Im not 100% sure I understand but here is YAML for the area of concern, the others sensors are GPIO but arent working right now because that integration has ebeen deprecated or abandonded. I see where to change the invert logic " en masse" , is this the same as going into integration entities and configuring each individual pin as invert logic ( box IS currenlty checked ) and pull mode is "UP" ?
- platform: mcp23017
i2c_address: 0x20
invert_logic: true
0 : Button_1
1 : Button_2
2 : Button_3
3 : Button_4
4 : Button_5
5 : Button_6
6 : Button_7
7 : Button_8
8 : Button_9
9 : Button_10
10 : Button_11
11 : Button_12
12 : Button_13
13 : Button_14
14 : Button_15
15 : Button_16
- platform: rpi_gpio
- port: 11
name: TEST PIR Office
- port: 12
name: "TEST PIR Bedroom"
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you can test with "check" or "uncheck" with "Invert logic". This is correct option.
not need to use "Pull mode"