02-26-2024, 09:01 PM
Hi, I have the KC868-H32B board. I'm interested in how: can I connect the ZP13 Smoke Gas Sensor (like 7 sensors to one input slot)
All information about the module is provided here: https://www.winsen-sensor.com/d/files/manual/zp13.pdf
For this module's physical interface: XH2.54-4P terminal socket.
If this module is not compatible, could you recommend another one? But I need a module only.
Thx for your time and help who can replay me
All information about the module is provided here: https://www.winsen-sensor.com/d/files/manual/zp13.pdf
For this module's physical interface: XH2.54-4P terminal socket.
If this module is not compatible, could you recommend another one? But I need a module only.
Thx for your time and help who can replay me