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[arduino code examples for A32 Pro]-12 How to use DHT11 temperature humidity sensor
*  Made by KinCony IoT:

*  This program reads temperature and humidity values from a DHT11 sensor
*  connected to GPIO2 of an ESP32 board, and prints the readings to the serial monitor.

*  The DHT11 sensor measures the relative humidity and temperature in the environment.
*  This data is then read by the ESP32 and displayed in the serial monitor.
*  Requirements:
*  - ESP32 microcontroller
*  - DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor
*  - DHT sensor library by Adafruit (Install in Arduino IDE)
*  Connections:
*  - DHT11 Data Pin -> GPIO2 on ESP32
*  - DHT11 VCC Pin -> 3.3V on ESP32
*  - DHT11 GND Pin -> GND on ESP32

#include <DHT.h>  // Import the DHT library

// Define the GPIO pin where the DHT11 sensor is connected
#define DHTPIN 2       // DHT11 data pin is connected to GPIO2 on ESP32

// Define the type of DHT sensor being used (DHT11)
#define DHTTYPE DHT11  // DHT11 sensor type

// Create a DHT object to read temperature and humidity

void setup() {
  // Initialize serial communication for debugging at a baud rate of 115200
  Serial.println("DHT11 Sensor Test - Made by KinCony IoT:");

  // Initialize the DHT sensor

void loop() {
  // Wait for 2 seconds between each reading to ensure stable data

  // Read humidity value from the DHT11 sensor
  float humidity = dht.readHumidity();
  // Read temperature value from the DHT11 sensor in Celsius
  float temperature = dht.readTemperature();

  // Check if there was an error reading the data
  if (isnan(humidity) || isnan(temperature)) {
    // Print error message if the sensor reading failed
    Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT11 sensor!");
    return;  // Exit loop iteration and try again after delay

  // Print the humidity value to the serial monitor
  Serial.print("Humidity: ");

  // Print the temperature value to the serial monitor
  Serial.print("  Temperature: ");

arduino ino file download: 
.zip (Size: 1.05 KB / Downloads: 68)
BIN file (you can use esp32 download tool download to ESP32-S3 with address 0x0 then directly to use) download: 
.zip (Size: 180.83 KB / Downloads: 61)

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