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Hi, could anyone show me how to solve the following?
I have mini server with home assistant and kc868 - A6 with kincony firmware. I'd like to connect the boards via Rs485 and manage relay and DI of kc868 - A6 from home assistant using Rs485.
you can see this video: how to add RS485 relay board to ESPHome by Modbus Controller Switch
Thanks admin.
I need one more info.
1) It's mandatory to install ESP home in my home assistant to make my Server Mini able to communicate with KC868-A6 via RS485? or it's possible without installing ESP home?

Actually I modified the configuration.yaml in my home assistant as you see

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

id: mbus
tx_pin: GPIO14
rx_pin: GPIO15
baud_rate: 9600

id: modbus1
uart_id: mbus
send_wait_time: 200ms

- id: a6
address: 1
modbus_id: modbus1
update_interval: 1s

- platform: rpi_gpio
- port: 5
name: "OUT1"
- port: 22
name: "OUT2"
- port: 17
name: "OUT3"
- port: 4
name: "OUT4"
- port: 6
name: "OUT5"
- port: 13
name: "OUT6"
- port: 19
name: "OUT7"
- port: 26
name: "OUT8"

- platform: modbus_controller
name: 'modbus-switch1'
address: 0 # 0:relay1 1:relay2 ......
register_type: coil
bitmask: 1

- platform: rpi_gpio
- port: 18
name: "IN1"
- port: 23
name: "IN2"
- port: 24
name: "IN3"
- port: 25
name: "IN4"
- port: 12
name: "IN5"
- port: 16
name: "IN6"
- port: 20
name: "IN7"
- port: 21
name: "IN8"

and then restarted home Assistant...unfortunatly there is no modbus-switch1 in the Entity list!
MUST need use RS485 for connection? if use by wifi will be very easy.
let server-mini and A6 connect to same router is ok. install ESPHome, config yaml file for A6.
Ok. Installed ESP home.

Where could I find a basic yaml file for the A6 board?
Thanks in advance.
here is yaml for A6:
(05-26-2024, 06:51 AM)admin Wrote: MUST need use RS485 for connection? if use by wifi will be very easy.
let server-mini and A6 connect to same router is ok. install ESPHome, config yaml file for A6.

Hello admin.
I used wifi and it's all ok.
I'm able to set relay and read digital input from my A6 board connected to homeassistant.

Now I need to setup communication beetwen Mini Server and A6 board via RS485.
I followed the video you suggested. Something is not working and I hope to solve the problem step by step.

So first of all: in the Mini Server yaml file there is something wrong.
I receive the following notifications from Home Assistant:

Invalid config
The following integrations and platforms could not be set up:
If I go to the logs, briefly the messages are:
integration 'uart' not found
and invalid config for modbus...for exemple id is an invalid option for modbus and so on

could you help me?
if you are first time to use server-mini, you need to enable serial port for CM4, here is details :
(06-27-2024, 10:31 PM)admin Wrote: if you are first time to use server-mini,  you need to enable serial port for CM4, here is details :

and please...what about the slave side?
My slave board is kc868-A6, could you post the basic line to add to the A6 yaml file in order to enable and setup Modbus-RTU protocol?
download KCS firmware to A6 board, enable RS485 using MODBUS-RTU. just login KCS webpage to set.

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