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Where to start?

This is the first time I am playing with the ESP32 and Kincony. I just bought the KC868-A4 to understand it and experiment a bit before doing something more serious.

My KC868-A4 arrived some time ago, and now that I have some time, I am trying to understand where to start. Frankly speaking, I have no clue.

The projects described on your pages are nice, but they assume some starting point which is completely unknown for a newbie like me.

Is the KC868-A4 equipped with any firmware so it starts when powered on, or do I need to upload firmware? When powered on, I couldn't find any new Wi-Fi AP, so I guess even if something was loaded into my KC, it didn't work.

I simply want to run ESP32, connect it with Home Assistant, and play with relays and read/write to 433MHz devices. While searching the web, I found this: [Kincony Firmware ESP32 Board](

Not sure if I am correct, but I connected the KC via USB-C and USB and to my PC, powered KC on, and tried to flash it (I am not sure if it is needed).

So, my KC is being updated. The red LED is flashing, I hear a "beep" from time to time, and a relay is switching. It has now taken about 15 minutes and doesn't seem to be finished.

I am very confused.
1. new board no firmware inside, you can download "KCS" firmware, here is KCS v2 online guide:
2. if you will use home assistant, i suggest you config by ESPHome yaml, not need to use KCS firmware. here is video tour for beginner:
3. here is A4 config yaml file for ESPHome:
Thank you for prompt answer.
I think my KC i bricked.

Apart from already described behavior I can see message on black screen behind  ESP download tool:
"ESP32S3 Chip sync error esp_sync_blocking "

Is there any way to unbrick the device?

I generally tried the ESP32 chip type. 'WROOM' in the chip name fooled me, and this time I tried the ESP32S3. But it doesn't work with the ESP32 either.
A4 use by ESP32, not ESP32-S3 chip.
(06-01-2024, 07:03 AM)admin Wrote: A4 use by ESP32, not ESP32-S3 chip.

I am aware of that now.

I checked ESP32 earlier as well. 
Already checked with 2 different power supplies.

I am attaching short movie to demonstrate the problem.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 2.32 MB / Downloads: 102)
what power supply voltage you are using?
I tried both:
- 12V 1000mA
- 12V 2500mA
download KCS firmware firstly:
[Image: esp32_download_tool_2.png]
(06-01-2024, 10:53 PM)admin Wrote: download KCS firmware firstly:
[Image: esp32_download_tool_2.png]

I already did that.

Followed and 
And I used firmware (of course after extracting it) -
take a video how to done, send to whatsapp number: +86-15381188302

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