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Tuya Controller
I appreciate your guidance, Sir, in meeting my need for the KBox mobile application, which is presently functioning flawlessly with my KC868-A16 controller.
ok, you are welcome.
Hi, Sir The input/output capabilities of my KC868-A16 microcontroller are operational with the Tuya and KBox mobile applications. & also with a web browser. I'm still not sure how to use the IIC port. Would you kindly clarify the following steps? Thank you so much.

1) Is it possible to upgrade my KC868-A16 controller with an IIC display (LCD1602 / LCD2004)? If so, kindly walk me through the process.

2) Can we upload and code to my A16 controller to operate IIC display (LCD1602) modules? I already fed a KCS V2.2.2 bin file in to it, and basic IO ports are operating as intended. If so, do direct me through the process. Regards in advance.
KCS not support LCD1602.
if you want use LCD, suggest you chose SSD1306 i2c displayer. But KCS firmware not support extend LCD. you can use ESPHome config for all functions instead of KCS.
Thanks for your advice, 

By the way, Kindly let me know if Kincony has any IIC useable sub modules that could be used with the KC868-A16 controller which is functional with basic (Tuya, KBox or Web browser) applications (without Home Assistant). Please give me some advise.
sorry, KinCony i2c sub module (such as DO8, DI8) not support by basic application without home assistant. Because i not suggest to use extend way for the stable problem. I suggest use one board.
if you really want to extend sub module, just config by ESPHome, all will support.
Thank you, sir, for your suggestion. 

In the meantime, I need to fix my home assistant PC before we can talk about additional topics.
My Windows 10 PC's Home Assistant, ESP Home VM, is finished and operating well. In addition, I updated the HA with my KC868-A16 micro controller. However, I still don't know the instructions following.

1) How can I link my PC to the microcontroller KC868-A16?

2)  In my HA KC868-A16 folder, I noticed a simple yaml file. Is it okay, or could you please tell me which one it is? Could you please advise me as to why the KC868-A16 controller was fed yaml codes?

3)  How can I use my HA to access my ports or I/O pins?

4)  Could you please advise me on how to upload a yaml file to my controller, KC868-A16?

Thanks in Advance

Attached Files Image(s)
just use this yaml file for KC868-A16:
remove these command, if you want to use DHCP:
  # Optional manual IP
Hello, Sir I'm having trouble configuring my device in ESPHome. It says, "Can't connect to ESP." Please ensure that the line "api" exists in your YAML file. Containing the YAML file that you provided. I have already removed the gateway, subnet, and  IP as optional.

Please give me some advice on how to resolve this. I've attached some pictures for more clarification.

Attached Files Image(s)

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