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KC868-E16S - Multiple
Dear Community,

I would like to confirm something please.

Do I need an additional Kincony / ESP enabled server if I have 10 x K868 E16S on the same via ESP Home / Home Assistant local network?

6 x K868 E16S in ground floor DB and 4 x K868 E16S in 2nd floor DB using local LAN to each device.

No wifi switches or devices, all hard wired.  

Note: replacement for circa 2007 VIPA 200 PLC system in a large residential home.

I may also need a separate AI and DO 24v on each floor.


Keith Smile
not need add others, just let your 10pcs of E16S board all connect to router by network cable in local network.
(05-17-2023, 02:19 PM)admin Wrote: not need add others, just let your 10pcs of E16S board all connect to router by network cable in local network.

Hi Admin,

How can I toggle E16S relays from digital inputs on different E16S boards?  Ideally, I want to use Node-Red to manage the inputs and outputs.

I have 3 x E16S (soon to be 5) all online with all entities live is Home Assistant / ESPHome.  

I can activate all outputs and inputs from desktop and tablet.

Inputs are all self-cancelling momentary switches

I can confirm all inputs and outputs are available using Node-Red ESPHome nodes. 

I'm struggling to add a TOGGLE node to prevent self-cancelling.

Can you help me please?


Can something be added to the device yamls?
How can I toggle E16S relays from digital inputs on different E16S boards?  There are two solution:

A. download KCS firmware, then create IFTTT command, let controller A's digital input trigger controller B's Relay by network custom protocol or RS485 command. if you also want use home assistant, let KC868-E16S integrate to home assistant by MQTT.

B. let your all controller integrate to Node-Red by MQTT. Then you can config any controller's INPUT trigger any controller's OUTPUT. this way just use Node-Red as a bridge.

solution A is let two controller work directly without any other software.
Hi admin,

I'm having a hard time to integrate the E16S ESP devices and MQTT.

How do I code the yaml files for the e16s to establish MQTT topics for each momentary switch to toggle the outputs?


1. you can download KCS firmware to E16S board , then integrate to home assistant by MQTT , here is yaml samle code for A8S, but E16S is similar, you only replace model with A16 and your own UID:
2. if you want each momentary switch to toggle outputs, just set in IFTTT by KCS firmware, that is stable and better. because this IFTTT work locally by ESP32, if you set by MQTT , manager by home assistant. If home assistant is broken, then all your switch can't work.
Thanks for the reply and example yaml.

I wish to use MQTT within Home Assistant. Ideally, I wish to leverage Node-Red as a bridge and use the ESPHome In and Out (recognizes all E16S devices and entities), and MQTT input and output nodes to manage the switches and relays of the E16S boards (there will be 6 when I finish this home automation setup).

The A8S code you shared doesn't reflect the gpio platform code lines for the outputs of the E16S. Should I add as follows;

- platform: gpio
name: "e16s-output16"
pcf8574: pcf8574_hub_out_2
number: 7
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true
unique_id: kc868-e16s-output-16
state_topic: 'KC868_E16S/08F9E08B1F58/STATE'
command_topic: 'KC868_E16S/08F9E08B1F58/SET'
payload_on: '{"output1":{"value":true}}'
payload_off: '{"output1":{"value":false}}'
value_template: '{{ value_json.output1.value }}'
state_on: true
state_off: false

How can I add code for the inputs?

- platform: gpio
name: "e16s-input1"
pcf8574: pcf8574_hub_in_1
number: 0
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
Yes, your OUTPUT config is correct. INPUT example as these:

- name: 'input-1'
unique_id: input-1
state_topic: 'KC868_E16S/08F9E08B1F58/STATE'
value_template: '{{ value_json.input1.value }}'
payload_on: true
payload_off: false

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