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KC868-H32B ethernet port problem
I had problem to integrate KC868-32B by MQTT, ethernet webpage loaded up, and i was able to control relays over webpage but it was not listen to MQTT.
Then i decided to try new firmware, but when i upgraded from V446 into V447, ethernet interface webpage disapear, and device is no longer active in the DHCP, it is not getting IP, but ethernet port green is lighting and orange is slowly flashing. I connected box into my WIFI but then i am not able to control relays anyhow.  ( I want primary to get MQTT).

Any suggestion how to repair ethernet, and what could be wrong when i just made firmware upgrade / downgrade back doesnt help.
Did you check if it didn't take its original, by default static IP address? I think it's
if you download firmware back to V4.46 , ethernet whether work well?
Helped a lot - i had it in the TCP-SERVER mode.  Only yellow led was lighting.

Hold until yellow and white - DHCP + UDP and it works !! uff i was scared that it is broken totally. Big Grin
Ok then i will use it back to my original problem, not working MQTT.
Please help me what i am doing wrong.  
My MQTT server is running on mosquitto in docker - MQTT messages are working when i subscribe topic on different devices. 
[Image: Relay-Board.png]
But relay box is without reaction. 
Here you can see my msg and topic setup in the node-red

[Image: NodeRED.png]

MQTT solution: 
There is manual on the webpage, which i copied and replaced UID string:

Problem was quotation marks:
In the manual there are quotation marks :
payload_on: ‘{“relay1”:{“on”:1}}’
payload_off: ‘{“relay1”:{“on”:0}}’
Which does not work

But i write them manualy:
payload_on: "{"relay1":{"on":1}}"
payload_off: "{"relay1":{"on":1}}"
Then then it started to work:

root mqtt broker definition moved from .yaml into gui > But now what I am fighting with state, home assistant is unable to read state from the example.

  - switch:
      unique_id: id_mqtt-relay-1
      name: "mqtt-relay-1"
      state_topic: "relay32/091be9d88a5a21ae54aaf363/state"
      command_topic: "relay32/091be9d88a5a21ae54aaf363/set"
      payload_on:  ‘{"relay1":{"on":1}}’
      payload_off:  ‘{"relay1":{"on":0}}’
      value_template: ‘{{ value_json.relay1.on }}’
      state_on: 1
      state_off: 0

Please share how to update value_template for state in  HA  2024.8.1 

I am fighting several hours now, and only one think what i have is just that relay control, but status is unknow. So i dont know if it is open or cloded.

copy-paste of YAML code in HTML pages is always a problem, that's why the quotes were not correct. You will find attached a sample of my own configuration for a H32B Pro, for both a sensor and a switch. I put in almost all configuration options including a custom icon, a device to regroup the entities etc. You can compare with your own configuration.

Once this is done, don't forget to enable the "MQTT feedback all channels" option in the MQTT settings of the Kincony web interface - see the last messages in the thread here

Attached Files
.txt   mqtt.yaml.txt (Size: 974 bytes / Downloads: 71)
payload_on: ‘{“relay1”:{“on”:1}}’

Your quotation marks are problem. please download TXT file and copy from HTML webpage.

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