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RS485 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Modbus RTU
RS485 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Modbus RTU Use By SHT30

Please tell me the parameters of the Sensor to connect it to the controller via the MODBUS bus

1. Device address: What is the default address, how can it be changed?
2. Data transfer rate (Baud Rate)
3. Number of stop bits
4. Number of data bits
5. Parity
6. Transfer type: RTU or ASCII
7. Bus type: I use 4 wires: RS-485
8. Timeouts and delays: which are preferable for it?
1. Device address: What is the default address, how can it be changed?  --> default is 1, you can change address by PC software.
2. Data transfer rate (Baud Rate)  --> default 9600bps,  4800/9600/14400/19200/38400/56000/57600/115200bps can be set by PC software.
3. Number of stop bits  --> 1 bit
4. Number of data bits  --> 8 bit
5. Parity  --> None
6. Transfer type: RTU or ASCII    -->RTU
7. Bus type: I use 4 wires: RS-485  --> RS485 A and B
8. Timeouts and delays: which are preferable for it?  you can use modbus pull to test it.

here is PC software download: 
.zip (Size: 4.08 MB / Downloads: 34)
Thanks for the answers!
Tell me, what is the RESET button on the sensor board for? How to use it and what functions does it have?
it's just CPU's reset button. usually not need to use it.
Give me please table of MODBUS registers for this device. I need add it to my controller and setup reading value of temp and humidity

Thank you!
A. input register function:

temperature : 16bit unsigned integer register
humidity: 16bit unsigned integer register

address    function
0000H        temperature value
            unit: ℃
            fixed 1 decimal
            (1) >0℃: register data<10000
                          for example: register value=250, actual temperature: 250*0.1=25℃
            (2) <0℃: register data>=10000
                          for example: register value=10250, actual temperature: -1*(10250-10000)*0.1=25℃
0001H        humidity value
            unit: %RH
            fixed 1 decimal
                          for example: register value=500, actual humidity: 500*0.1=50(%RH)
0002H        temperature value
0003H        unit: ℃  decode: 32bit float data
0004H        humidity value
0005H        unit: %RH  decode: 32bit float data

B. Hold register function:
The contents of the register are saved when power is turned off. The holding register is a readable and writable register. The value in each register is a 16-bit unsigned integer.

address    function
0000H        temperature value
            unit: ℃
            fixed 1 decimal
            (1) >0℃: register data<10000
                          for example: register value=250, actual temperature: 250*0.1=25℃
            (2) <0℃: register data>=10000
                          for example: register value=10250, actual temperature: -1*(10250-10000)*0.1=25℃
0001H        humidity value
            unit: %RH
            fixed 1 decimal
                          for example: register value=500, actual humidity: 500*0.1=50(%RH)
0002H        temperature value
0003H        unit: ℃  decode: 32bit float data
0004H        humidity value
0005H        unit: %RH  decode: 32bit float data
000AH        RS485 bus address(1-255), default:1 
            Note: This parameter is saved after power-off and will take effect after power-on again after modification.
000BH        Baud rate setting:
            0:4800  1:9600(default) 2:14400 3:19200 4:38400 5:56000 6:57600 7:115200
            Note: This parameter is saved after power-off and will take effect after power-on again after modification.
003DH        Parity settings
            0:None(default)  1:odd parity 2:even parity
            Note: This parameter is saved after power-off and will take effect after power-on again after modification.

.txt   RS485-temperature-humidity-sensor-modbus-protocol.txt (Size: 2.72 KB / Downloads: 24)
How I can reset it to default settings?
I forget address and con not connect software to sensor Sad
Parameter reset method: There is a reset button inside the module. When powered on, press and hold for about 4 seconds to turn off the power, wait for about 5 seconds, and then power on again to restore the factory settings, address will be 1

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