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KC868-A16S or KC868-A8S
I'm thinking of using either KC868-A16S or KC868-A8S to control 24V lights/devices in a campervan via ESP32 with momentary switches and via a smartphone. Both boards indicate they handle AC current. Can they also handle DC 12v and/or 24v loads with the built in relays? If so, what is the max amps per relay and in total? What is the make/model/part number of the relay switch used on the board?

They also indicate they use DC 12V to power the board. Can they use 24V power as well?
KC868-A16S only work with DC12v power supply.
KC868-A8S v2 work with DC12-24V power supply.
their relay both support AC and DC load.

KC868-A8S v2 use HF brand relay, model:JQC-3FF 277vAC MAX:10A  if 24vDC load MAX about 10A
KC868-A16S use high quality relay , brand: OMRON, model:G5Q-14-DC12 250vAC MAX:10A if 30vDC load MAX:5A

here are photo for A8Sv2 and A16S:
Thanks so much for the quick reply. Can you use a RF433Mhz sender/transmitter with the KC868-A8S? I only see a plug in for a RF433Mhz receiver. I see that the KC868-A8 appears to have plug ins for the sender/transmitter. Does the KC868-A8 use the same relays as the KC868-A8S?
KC868-A8S only have 433MHz receiver, without RF sender.
Does the KC868-A8 use the same relays as the KC868-A8S? -->Yes
The pictures of the KC868-A16 show that the RF sender/receiver and the I2C don't have sockets. Is the correct? If so, is it possible to get the board with the sockets soldered on?
now KC868-A16 have weld all sockets. just webpage photo not updated. see here:

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