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Digital inputs not reacting on +24VDC
Hi all,
my KC868-AI is not reacting (change from logical 0 to logical 1) on sending +24VDC to any of digital inputs.
Firmware version: 2.2.4
Thanks for your reaction.

digital input =24v, means logical "0", NOT trigger.
digital input =0v, means logical "1", trigger.
Do you plan new version where the trigger is +24V?
if you use KCS firmware, these is an option "inverted" in "INPUT" webpage  , just enable it, then the logical will be switched.
Unfortunately it doesn´t work. The change of logic works only when I send GND to digital input. But when I send +24V to the same digital input, no reaction. Maybe my board is wrong. Rev. 1.1
what software you are using? KC868-AI work for home assistant?
in KC868-AI is KCS version: 2.2.4
at home I use Loxone.
if you are using KCS firmware, i have already told you how to do.

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