01-07-2025, 10:52 AM
Greetings to everybody.
I have quite extensively tested KC868-16 and KC868-6 with tens of DS18B20 temperature sensors. I'm using ESPHOME. With KC868-16 I found that if enabling Ethernet (instead of Wifi), after few hours I loose connection with temperature sensors:
It first starts with few of these messages in logs, but soon (in few hours or even less) it happens to all of them. Also tested with 5v (from 433mhz port), but still the same.
With wifi there isn't that problem.
While testing I had 6 sensors connected to HT2. It doesn't matter, if there's less or more sensors, or shared between all three HT ports (HT1-HT3). The outcome is the same.
Have different good quality power supplies that I have tested. During the testing there were no other devices connected. Below I use 1 second interval, if using longer time, the issue is still there.
I really need ethernet. Much appreciated, if you could point me in a direction, what to test next.
outtake from yaml (with one sensor):
I have quite extensively tested KC868-16 and KC868-6 with tens of DS18B20 temperature sensors. I'm using ESPHOME. With KC868-16 I found that if enabling Ethernet (instead of Wifi), after few hours I loose connection with temperature sensors:
12:26:37][W][dallas.temp.sensor:139]: 'Temperature sensor 115 (1m)' - Scratch pad checksum invalid!
[12:26:37][W][component:157]: Component dallas_temp.sensor set Warning flag: scratch pad checksum invalid
[12:26:37][D][sensor:093]: 'Temperature sensor 115 (1m)': Sending state nan °C with 2 decimals of accuracy
With wifi there isn't that problem.
While testing I had 6 sensors connected to HT2. It doesn't matter, if there's less or more sensors, or shared between all three HT ports (HT1-HT3). The outcome is the same.
Have different good quality power supplies that I have tested. During the testing there were no other devices connected. Below I use 1 second interval, if using longer time, the issue is still there.
I really need ethernet. Much appreciated, if you could point me in a direction, what to test next.
outtake from yaml (with one sensor):
#Workaround for sensors update
- interval: 6s
- component.update: temp_111 #IO_2
- delay: 1s
- component.update: temp_112 #IO_2
- delay: 1s
- component.update: temp_113 #IO_2
- delay: 1s
- component.update: temp_114 #IO_2
- delay: 1s
- component.update: temp_115 #IO_2
- delay: 1s
- component.update: temp_117 #IO_2
- platform: gpio
pin: GPIO32
id: IO_1 #HT1
- platform: gpio
pin: GPIO33 #HT2
id: IO_2
- platform: gpio
pin: GPIO14 #HT2
id: IO_3
- platform: dallas_temp
address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
name: Temperature sensor 109 (1m)
id: temp_109
one_wire_id: IO_3
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
icon: "mdi:thermometer-plus"
device_class: "temperature"
state_class: "measurement"
accuracy_decimals: 2
update_interval: never
# - filter_out: nan
- filter_out: 85.0