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Etgernet + wifi
the item wifi "ssid" and "passowrd" only use for STA mode, there are STA options, NOT for AP mode.
when use AP mode, AP name fixed by "KC868_A8-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", NO password needed, can't set the AP's password. it use for public.
Can I connect two ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensors? If yes, which convectors ? 
In my ESP-32 i connect to 32-33 and 25-25 terminals Thanks
if the HC-SR04 output dry contact signal, you can connect with free gpio ports or digital input ports.
(02-17-2025, 12:34 AM)admin Wrote: if the HC-SR04 output dry contact signal, you can connect with free gpio ports or digital input ports.

HC-SR04 has two controlled outputs Echo Output Signal and Trigger Input Signal.  Which terminals should I connect sensors to?
The TRIG pin is responsible for sending the ultrasonicburst. This pin should be set to HIGH for 10 μs, at which point the HC­SR04 will sendout an eight cycle sonic burst at 40 kHZ. After a sonic burst has been sent the ECHO pinwill go HIGH. The ECHO pin is the data pin ­­ it is used in taking distancemeasurements. After an ultrasonic burst is sent the pin will go HIGH, it will stay highuntil an ultrasonic burst is detected back, at which point it will go LOW
i think you should ask the sensor seller or technical support. i have not used this sensor.
Can I connect two ultrasonic sensors a02yyuw that operate on UART? It works on my ESP-32. Below is the code for Tx Rx. If so, what inputs should I connect to?

  - id: uart_1
    tx_pin: GPIO12 #blue
    rx_pin: GPIO13 # green
    baud_rate: 9600

  - id: uart_2
    tx_pin: GPIO17 # blue
    rx_pin: GPIO16 # green
    baud_rate: 9600
you can try to use S1,S2,S3,S4 ports, but i am not sure whether can work as serial port.
(02-19-2025, 10:13 PM)admin Wrote: you can try to use S1,S2,S3,S4 ports, but i am not sure whether can work as serial port.

But if I use KCS firmware, then can I try to connect to S1,S2,S3,S4 ports? Or do I need to go back to ESP firmware?
KCS firmware not support customize device. every product have private protocol.

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