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[Arduino IDE of KC868-E16S]--#00-KC868-E16S-configure for ESPhome
I'm testing the KC868-E16S board and even after installing the image generated by ESPHome using the template provided in the tutorial on this site, whenever I turn off the power and turn it on again, the board comes back with relays 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7, 8 and 9 turned on irrespective of the state they were in before the power cut.
How do I get them to always come back off when restarting?
post your config file at here, you'd better upload a video of your question.
Hello, everything works fine via esphome, but I don't know how to set up modbus communication.

Can you please write me the configuration ?

Thank you very much!
here is our video tour of ESPHome modbus controller:

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