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connecting sensors to the KC868-A16S module
Hello, I am having trouble connecting sensors to the KC868-A16S module. Can you please send me a wiring diagram for the following sensors: 
1- A 220v motion detector PIR with 3 wires on the KC868-A16S module. (Can I connect the output of the 220v sensor with the dry contact input of the KC868-A16S module?)
2- A water level sensor XKC-Y25-V PNP with 4 wires
3- A water level sensor XKC-Y25-V NPN with 4 wires. 
4- A gas leak alarm sensor 4 wires . 
5- A smoke detector 4 wires .

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connecting sensors to the KC868-A16S module - by Lamri - 12-02-2023, 12:00 PM

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