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KC868-A16 esp32 board (A16)as upgrade of a Homevision Controller?
1. A16 can work as a MQTT client. integrate to MQTT Mosquito broker. A16 own board can't work as a MQTT broker. you can use ESPHome integrate to home assistant. Or you can download KCS firmware, integrate to home assistant by MQTT. Just ESPHome is locally integration. KCS and ESPhome all have IFTTT, timer function. just other ESPHome have more logical function you can use. such as date, sunrise/sunset, flags.

a. Ethernet and Wifi can't work in parallel by ESPHome.
b. Ethernet and Wifi can work in parallel by KCS firmware.
c. RS485 in any firmware always can use.

3. it's very easy integreate home assistant by ESPHome. you have demo config yaml file, here is link for A16:

4-6. sorry, i don't understand HV deeply.

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RE: KC868-A16 esp32 board (A16)as upgrade of a Homevision Controller? - by admin - 12-25-2023, 12:21 AM

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