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KC868-A16 esp32 board (A16)as upgrade of a Homevision Controller?
Thank you very much. Still a bit unsure about the best configuration in my case. My main wishes:

(1) Use the A16 as a stand-alone home-controller (1st priority). Is KCS than the preferred software solution or: something else better to use?

(2) Interface (1) with my Home Assistant for monitoring and control options (is a 2nd priority; this interface must not violate the stand-alone operation of the A16 as home automation controller). 
Which available options (MQTT and or ESPHome?) and: what extra software is needed per option?
Is there an important difference between these two options in automation functions/ capabilities?

Note: Home Assistant is already functioning in my home, residing on a Mini PC platform in a Virtual Machine (Oracle), connected by ethernet to a home network router (Netgear RAX 70), also including 2.4 and 5 GHz wireless.

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RE: KC868-A16 esp32 board (A16)as upgrade of a Homevision Controller? - by hjahend - 12-26-2023, 04:01 PM

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