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KC868-A16 esp32 board (A16)as upgrade of a Homevision Controller?
Thx. Do I understand correct that using ESPHome integration of my Home Assistant running on a Mini PC, the A16 board is running without KCS firmware? Do I have to download A16 ESPHome board software (link please) first and install it?
May I assume that the A16 also still functions stand alone (= independent actions from Home Assistant; no 100% slave role)?

You also advise your KCS firmware for the A16 board and I assume that it also functions 'stand alone' well.
KCS seem rather easy to configure. I like its IFTTT functions; that feature would be missing with ESPHome installed?
And: can KCS on board A16 only be linked to Home Assistant with/via the MQTT broker of Home Assistant?

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RE: KC868-A16 esp32 board (A16)as upgrade of a Homevision Controller? - by hjahend - 12-27-2023, 11:04 AM

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