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KC868-A64 output changes are slow
I would like to control groups of outputs quickly. E.g. set output1, output2, output3,... output15 to on, rest to off.
I'm mainly interested in wired ethernet connection (I expect it to give better results than WiFi).

I've expected the string format of TCP client/ TCP server would be best because the commands are quite compact. However, those protocols are not stable for me and are causing frequent disconnections.
Are there some protocol constraints like, wait until reply was received or something like that? How does the board recognize the end of the command anyways (there are no specifications about command delimiters, so packet fragmentation can cause issues here)?

Then I've tried MQTT but setting e.g. the mentioned 15 outputs takes non-trivial time (I would estimate ~500ms?). 
The MQTT command I've used is this one 

I've mostly used firmware 1.0.27
Are there any alternative firmwares to try (I've also tested TCP protocols on 2.2.2 with the same result)? Is there some open source firmware I can use and tweak for my usecase? I don't need most of the "smart" logic of the board, I just want to be notified very quickly about input changes and be able to quickly control the outputs.

Thank you in advance!

Messages In This Thread
KC868-A64 output changes are slow - by miravod - 01-20-2024, 01:09 PM
RE: KC868-A64 output changes are slow - by admin - 01-21-2024, 12:58 AM
RE: KC868-A64 output changes are slow - by admin - 01-21-2024, 09:46 AM
RE: KC868-A64 output changes are slow - by admin - 01-21-2024, 12:42 PM
RE: KC868-A64 output changes are slow - by admin - 01-21-2024, 11:23 PM

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