this video replace ESP32-WROOM-32 by ESP32-WROOM-32E N16R2 for KinCony KC868-A8S board. it have PSRAM with ESP32. just make sure not need GPIO16 when you need to use PSRAM. So we have removed U17 chip, so that cut the ESP32 GPIO16 circuit.
here is arduino code for testing PSRAM and all hardware information for ESP32:
arduino source code download: (Size: 596 bytes / Downloads: 78)
here is arduino code for testing PSRAM and all hardware information for ESP32:
arduino source code download:
![ZIP File .zip](
#include <Arduino.h>
void setup() {
//Use this code to init the pSARM
// 打印 Arduino 库的版本信息
Serial.println("Arduino 库版本");
// 获取 Flash 大小(以字节为单位)
uint32_t flashSize = ESP.getFlashChipSize();
Serial.printf("Flash Size: %u bytes\n", flashSize);
// 获取 PSRAM 的大小(以字节为单位)
uint32_t psramSize = ESP.getPsramSize();
Serial.printf("PSRAM Size: %u bytes\n", psramSize);
// 获取剩余内存
uint32_t freeMemory = ESP.getFreeHeap();
Serial.printf("Free Memory: %u bytes\n", freeMemory);
// 获取总内存
uint32_t Totalheap = ESP.getHeapSize();
Serial.printf("Total heap: %u bytes\n", Totalheap);
// 获取 PSRAM 剩余内存
uint32_t FreePSRAM = ESP.getFreePsram();
Serial.printf("Free PSRAM: %u bytes\n", FreePSRAM);
void loop() {}