09-27-2024, 08:16 PM
I have connected the SHT30 I2C sensor to the port and everything works for a few minutes like normal, and then I start getting errors and some warnings in the logs. I am using ESPHome. At the same time, one DS18B20 sensor also sends warnings, although it seems to work, but from time to time the sensor may become unavailable.
I also wanted to use the TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer to connect 3 SHT30/SHT40 sensors, but I also got errors. Nevertheless, all of these SHT30/SHT40 sensors work fine on the individual ESP32 boards.
CRC8 Checksum invalid at pos 0!
Component sht3xd.sensor set Warning flag: unspecified
Component dallas_temp.sensor set Warning flag: scratch pad checksum invalid
What could it be?
I also wanted to use the TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer to connect 3 SHT30/SHT40 sensors, but I also got errors. Nevertheless, all of these SHT30/SHT40 sensors work fine on the individual ESP32 boards.
CRC8 Checksum invalid at pos 0!
Component sht3xd.sensor set Warning flag: unspecified
Component dallas_temp.sensor set Warning flag: scratch pad checksum invalid
What could it be?