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Which parts to order for Loxone Project?
Thanks for the tips!

1. ok clear...afterwards with 1-wire how many sensors it can handle? 
As i haven't found those details in specs

It can be parasite or star connection? doesnt matter?

2. This is the I2C socket, as on some other board from Kincony (see pic)?
If so do you have some cable for that white port <--> with other side screw socket to connect multiple sensors or other I2C devices together?

2.1 Sensor you suggested it's fine but i have already multiple SHT31 on stock (pic attached)
3. Ok, so 
KC868-D8 / KC868-D16 are out 
KC868-A8 / KC868-A8S no AO

I might use additional RELAY board in other DIN box, but i would need at least 5 relays
3.1 - KC868-A6 - with 2x AO ports - 50$ - Would be good, but no LAN port. Therefor no Loxone control possibility?
KC868-A4 -  with 2x AO ports 35$ and no LAN port

Seems like most close is:
3.2 KC868-A4S - with 8x AO ports, but only 4x Relays Sad

4. KC868-AM also out

5. "you can add i2c extender module: PCA9685 it's a small AO i2c module. just connect with S3 board's i2c extender pins."
Something like this? PCA9685PW 16 Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver-I2C Interface
Or you have some in your Products?

This module could be connected directly to F16 16CH ESP32-S3 to I2C?

6. if so and I will use the KCS v3 FW (for Loxone) is this board already somehow programed , so in can use it for AO?

Sorry for many questions , but as the order is from other side of the world, i want to get the right items Wink


7. Found this explanation
So now is much cleared how i can extend any Board with I2C via such extension boards

Even KC868-A4S has only 4x Relay i should be able to extend via KinCony DO8 PCF8574 IO Expansion i2c relay board (

Not yet sure about the Loxone controlling option

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RE: Which parts to order for Loxone Project? - by killeriq - 12-13-2024, 07:45 PM

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