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KC868-A2 configure yaml for ESPhome
(12-12-2024, 11:30 PM)admin Wrote: our KCS firmware not used RST pin. if you write your own code want to RESET by ESP32 using your own code. you can let RST pin connect to any esp32's free gpio.

That's exactly what I'm asking. SIM800L is connected to a board with a fully installed pin header. From the schematic it's not entirely clear to me where the individual pins go to the esp32. How should I connect the RST pin to the esp32 when I have SIM800L connected to the pin header. If I understand correctly, pin headers C and B from the picture are used to connect the SIM800L.


Messages In This Thread
KC868-A2 configure yaml for ESPhome - by admin - 03-16-2023, 05:32 AM
RE: KC868-A2 configure yaml for ESPhome - by elemarek - 7 hours ago

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