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Multiple fan wall project advice
I've settled on the KC868-A6 as the best "general purpose" ESP32-based Kincony controller that offers the right mix of features/cost. The only things which for me it lacks compared to the A4 is the ethernet/buzzer. But, it makes up for it with the RS485/I2C interfaces instead, so it really depends on what you want to use.

I'd probably use one KC868-A6 per wall of fans. You mentioned a central "server" control - for me personally, I would always prefer to use Node-RED for that role, and MQTT as the message transport system, but that's much more reliable over wired ethernet... you could use regular Wi-Fi or ESPNow instead. Or you could always add a W5500 port via the SPI interface (advertised as being for LoRa, but you can really attach anything to it, even though the pin headers are a little shorter than standard)

Messages In This Thread
Multiple fan wall project advice - by coroee - 02-02-2025, 04:39 PM
RE: Multiple fan wall project advice - by admin - 02-02-2025, 09:01 PM
RE: Multiple fan wall project advice - by tanoshimi - 02-03-2025, 08:03 PM

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