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A32 Pro ESPHome yaml for home assistant
Hi all.
I have a small problem. I want to program in ESP Home. Then is IO1 pressed by button, switch relay DO01 to on status.
For example switch on/off light, after short signal from button.

I try programed this code, but function not working. Can you help me? I don't know if the addressing is preserved Number 0 to DO1

- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro DI01
xl9535: xl9535_hub_in1
number: 0
mode: INPUT
inverted: true
- switch.toggle: Switch01

- platform: gpio
name: A32 Pro Switch01
id: Switch01
xl9535: xl9535_hub_out1
number: 0
mode: OUTPUT
inverted: true

Messages In This Thread
RE: A32 Pro ESPHome yaml for home assistant - by whoode - 02-17-2025, 01:50 AM

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