(02-22-2025, 08:20 AM)twostar Wrote: In a previous post I've requested adding IFTTT rule chaining, so instead of rules being something like "IF input THEN output" you can say "IF input THEN rule2" and rule2 applies further conditions. Is the internal state you've requested something like this, where you could use a chained rule to store state?
In my case I've temporarily used relays to implement rule chaining, so an IFTTT rule switches an output which switches a relay which is fed to the input for the next rule, but doing it in software would be nicer.
Sure, the internal memory can definitely serve your required functions instead of using the physical relay feedbacks to the input, as you have done (due to no other choices), by defining that IF M1 (internal memory) is true, THEN output; or IF M1 and/or Mxx are true, THEN output."