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KCS A128 mqtt disconneting after inputs action
I have a problem that I can't solve. This is already my second board because I have a well-functioning A64 version, and now I'm trying to use the A128 version.
I'll start by saying that enabling MQTT (protocol->general->mqtt) is only possible for me on version v1.0.27. In firmware versions > v2 with IFTTT, it doesn't work—when I enable MQTT, the controller freezes, I can't access the web panel, and only a factory reset helps.
Only in version v1.0.27 does the controller not freeze after enabling MQTT. But here, I have another issue. When MQTT is enabled and I set any input to perform an action, after executing the action, the controller temporarily loses connection with the MQTT broker and then reconnects after a few seconds—I can't smoothly control the lights.
As I mentioned, I also have the A64 version, which runs on the same broker with firmware version 2.2.2, and everything works fine there. I have no more ideas on what could be wrong. I've checked the broker configuration, tried different settings, and nothing helps. I've also connected to external brokers, and the issue persists. I have flashed all your firmware versions onto the controller, and I can't get MQTT to work on any of them except for v1.0.27.

mqtt logs after input action (disconnectings)
[Image: Bez-tytu-czxcxzcu.png]

[Image: veiosn.png]
[Image: mqttt.png]

[Image: status.png]
[Image: status-errur.png]

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KCS A128 mqtt disconneting after inputs action - by gitbejbe - 02-26-2025, 11:14 PM

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