Thank you for your answer and advice.
I finally managed to get it working.
It would be nice to provide some step by step user guide.
What I did, what is good to know:
I have some additional questions:
I finally managed to get it working.
It would be nice to provide some step by step user guide.
What I did, what is good to know:
- I uploaded the new KCS firmware to the M30/ESP32.
- I connected to the M30/ESP32 via wifi as it is in AP mode.
- Is it possible to connect to the M30/ESP32 via ethernet? What is the configuration of the ethernet interface - DHCP/static?
- Default admin login
I have some additional questions:
- What is the sampling frequency of the individual voltage and current measurements?
- How many measurements are done per voltage or current sine wave?
- What is the measurement frequency of each individual input?
- How is the active power of the individual inputs calculated? From the instantaneous voltage and current values or from the effective values?
- How often are the measured and calculated values provided by MQTT?